Revolution / hour

Revolutions per hour is a measure of the frequency of a rotation and its symbol "rph" or "r/h" Plural name is revolutions per hour.

Conversion Tool

Sample Frequency Conversion

10 revolution / second to radians per second, the result is 62.831853 radians per second
10 revolution / second to RPM, the result is 0.0005 RPM
10 hertz to cycles per second, the result is 10 cycles per second
10 1 / second to radians per second, the result is 62.831853 radians per second
10 RPM to revolutions per minute, the result is 10 revolutions per minute
10 1 / second to RPM, the result is 0.0005 RPM
10 cycle / second to radians per second, the result is 62.831853 radians per second
10 RPM to radians per second, the result is 1377022.890348 radians per second
10 radian / second to RPM, the result is 0.0001 RPM
10 revolution / second to degrees per second, the result is 3600 degrees per second

Table Conversion and Table Chart

Revolution / hour to Other Units

Revolution / hour can convert to other units, such as 1 / second, attohertz, centihertz, cycle / second, decihertz, degree / hour, degree / minute, degree / second, dekahertz, exahertz, femtohertz, gigahertz, hectohertz, hertz, kilohertz, megahertz, microhertz, millihertz, nanohertz, petahertz, picohertz, radian / hour, radian / minute, radian / second, revolution / minute, revolution / second, RPM, terahertz, yoctohertz, yottahertz, zeptohertz, zettahertz and more. You can find the reference table below:

Unit to Other Unit Frequency Conversion Frequency Table
1 r/h = 620914 1/srevolutions per hour to 1 per secondrevolutions per hour to 1 per second table
1 r/h = 6.20914E+23 aHzrevolutions per hour to attohertzsrevolutions per hour to attohertzs table
1 r/h = 62091400 cHzrevolutions per hour to centihertzsrevolutions per hour to centihertzs table
1 r/h = 620914 c/srevolutions per hour to cycles per secondrevolutions per hour to cycles per second table
1 r/h = 6209140 dHzrevolutions per hour to decihertzsrevolutions per hour to decihertzs table
1 r/h = 804704544000 °/hrevolutions per hour to degrees per hourrevolutions per hour to degrees per hour table
1 r/h = 13411742400 °/minrevolutions per hour to degrees per minuterevolutions per hour to degrees per minute table
1 r/h = 223529040 °/srevolutions per hour to degrees per secondrevolutions per hour to degrees per second table
1 r/h = 62091.4 daHzrevolutions per hour to dekahertzsrevolutions per hour to dekahertzs table
1 r/h = 1.0E-12 EHzrevolutions per hour to exahertzsrevolutions per hour to exahertzs table
1 r/h = 6.20914E+20 fHzrevolutions per hour to femtohertzsrevolutions per hour to femtohertzs table
1 r/h = 0.0006 GHzrevolutions per hour to gigahertzsrevolutions per hour to gigahertzs table
1 r/h = 6209.14 hHzrevolutions per hour to hectohertzsrevolutions per hour to hectohertzs table
1 r/h = 620914 Hzrevolutions per hour to hertzsrevolutions per hour to hertzs table
1 r/h = 620.914 kHzrevolutions per hour to kilohertzsrevolutions per hour to kilohertzs table
1 r/h = 0.6209 MHzrevolutions per hour to megahertzsrevolutions per hour to megahertzs table
1 r/h = 620914000000 µHzrevolutions per hour to microhertzsrevolutions per hour to microhertzs table
1 r/h = 620914000 mHzrevolutions per hour to millihertzsrevolutions per hour to millihertzs table
1 r/h = 6.20914E+14 nHzrevolutions per hour to nanohertzsrevolutions per hour to nanohertzs table
1 r/h = 6.21E-10 PHzrevolutions per hour to petahertzsrevolutions per hour to petahertzs table
1 r/h = 6.20914E+17 pHzrevolutions per hour to picohertzsrevolutions per hour to picohertzs table
1 r/h = 14044743732.838 rad/hrevolutions per hour to radians per hourrevolutions per hour to radians per hour table
1 r/h = 234079064.28368 rad/minrevolutions per hour to radians per minuterevolutions per hour to radians per minute table
1 r/h = 3901317.7173642 rad/srevolutions per hour to radians per secondrevolutions per hour to radians per second table
1 r/h = 28.331538601935 r/minrevolutions per hour to revolutions per minuterevolutions per hour to revolutions per minute table
1 r/h = 620914 r/srevolutions per hour to revolutions per secondrevolutions per hour to revolutions per second table
1 r/h = 28.331538601935 RPMrevolutions per hour to RPMrevolutions per hour to RPM table
1 r/h = 6.20914E-7 THzrevolutions per hour to terahertzrevolutions per hour to terahertz table
1 r/h = 6.20914E+29 yHzrevolutions per hour to yoctohertzsrevolutions per hour to yoctohertzs table
1 r/h = 6.20914E-19 YHzrevolutions per hour to yottahertzsrevolutions per hour to yottahertzs table
1 r/h = 6.20914E+26 zHzrevolutions per hour to zeptohertzsrevolutions per hour to zeptohertzs table
1 r/h = 6.20914E-16 ZHzrevolutions per hour to zettahertzsrevolutions per hour to zettahertzs table

Other Units to Revolution / hour

Revolution / hour also canvert from other unit such as 1 / second, attohertz, centihertz, cycle / second, decihertz, degree / hour, degree / minute, degree / second, dekahertz, exahertz, femtohertz, gigahertz, hectohertz, hertz, kilohertz, megahertz, microhertz, millihertz, nanohertz, petahertz, picohertz, radian / hour, radian / minute, radian / second, revolution / minute, revolution / second, RPM, terahertz, yoctohertz, yottahertz, zeptohertz, zettahertz and more. You can find the reference table below:

Unit to Other Unit Frequency Conversion Frequency Table
1 1/s = 1.610529E-6 r/h1 per second to revolutions per hour1 per second to revolutions per hour table
1 aHz = 1.6105289943535E-24 r/hattohertzs to revolutions per hourattohertzs to revolutions per hour table
1 cHz = 1.6105E-8 r/hcentihertzs to revolutions per hourcentihertzs to revolutions per hour table
1 c/s = 1.610529E-6 r/hcycles per second to revolutions per hourcycles per second to revolutions per hour table
1 dHz = 1.61053E-7 r/hdecihertzs to revolutions per hourdecihertzs to revolutions per hour table
1 °/h = 1.0E-12 r/hdegrees per hour to revolutions per hourdegrees per hour to revolutions per hour table
1 °/min = 7.5E-11 r/hdegrees per minute to revolutions per hourdegrees per minute to revolutions per hour table
1 °/s = 4.474E-9 r/hdegrees per second to revolutions per hourdegrees per second to revolutions per hour table
1 daHz = 1.610529E-5 r/hdekahertzs to revolutions per hourdekahertzs to revolutions per hour table
1 EHz = 1610528994353.5 r/hexahertzs to revolutions per hourexahertzs to revolutions per hour table
1 fHz = 1.6105289943535E-21 r/hfemtohertzs to revolutions per hourfemtohertzs to revolutions per hour table
1 GHz = 1610.5289943535 r/hgigahertzs to revolutions per hourgigahertzs to revolutions per hour table
1 hHz = 0.0002 r/hhectohertzs to revolutions per hourhectohertzs to revolutions per hour table
1 Hz = 1.610529E-6 r/hhertzs to revolutions per hourhertzs to revolutions per hour table
1 kHz = 0.0016 r/hkilohertzs to revolutions per hourkilohertzs to revolutions per hour table
1 MHz = 1.610528994353 r/hmegahertzs to revolutions per hourmegahertzs to revolutions per hour table
1 µHz = 2.0E-12 r/hmicrohertzs to revolutions per hourmicrohertzs to revolutions per hour table
1 mHz = 1.611E-9 r/hmillihertzs to revolutions per hourmillihertzs to revolutions per hour table
1 nHz = 1.6105289943535E-15 r/hnanohertzs to revolutions per hournanohertzs to revolutions per hour table
1 PHz = 1610528994.3535 r/hpetahertzs to revolutions per hourpetahertzs to revolutions per hour table
1 pHz = 1.6105289943535E-18 r/hpicohertzs to revolutions per hourpicohertzs to revolutions per hour table
1 rad/h = 7.1E-11 r/hradians per hour to revolutions per hourradians per hour to revolutions per hour table
1 rad/min = 4.272E-9 r/hradians per minute to revolutions per hourradians per minute to revolutions per hour table
1 rad/s = 2.56324E-7 r/hradians per second to revolutions per hourradians per second to revolutions per hour table
1 r/min = 0.0353 r/hrevolutions per minute to revolutions per hourrevolutions per minute to revolutions per hour table
1 r/s = 1.610529E-6 r/hrevolutions per second to revolutions per hourrevolutions per second to revolutions per hour table
1 RPM = 0.0353 r/hRPM to revolutions per hourRPM to revolutions per hour table
1 THz = 1610528.9943535 r/hterahertz to revolutions per hourterahertz to revolutions per hour table
1 yHz = 1.6105289943535E-30 r/hyoctohertzs to revolutions per houryoctohertzs to revolutions per hour table
1 YHz = 1.6105289943535E+18 r/hyottahertzs to revolutions per houryottahertzs to revolutions per hour table
1 zHz = 1.6105289943535E-27 r/hzeptohertzs to revolutions per hourzeptohertzs to revolutions per hour table
1 ZHz = 1.6105289943535E+15 r/hzettahertzs to revolutions per hourzettahertzs to revolutions per hour table

Frequency Units


1 / second [ 1/s ]

1 per second is equivalent to cycle per second, a unit of frequency measurement.

Attohertz [ aHz ]

Attohertz (aHz) is a unit of frequency equal to 1.0E-18 hertz. This unit is a mixture of metric prefix atto (a) and the SI derived unit of frequency hertz (Hz).

Centihertz [ cHz ]

Centihertz (cHz) is a unit of frequency equal to 0.01 hertz. This unit is a mixture of metric prefix centi (c) and the SI derived unit of frequency hertz (Hz).

Cycle / second [ c/s ]

Cycle per second is a unit of frequency measurement system and its symbol is c/s.

Decihertz [ dHz ]

Decihertz (dHz) is a unit of frequency equal to 0.1 hertz. This unit is a mixture of metric prefix deci (d) and the SI derived unit of frequency hertz (Hz).

Degree / hour [ °/h ]

Degree per hour is a unit of frequency measurement system and its symbol is °/h.

Degree / minute [ °/min ]

Degree per minute is a unit of frequency measurement system and its symbol is °/min

Degree / second [ °/s ]

Degree per second is a unit or frequency measurement system and its symbol is °/s.

Dekahertz [ daHz ]

Dekahertz (daHz) is a unit of frequency equal to 10 hertzx. This unit is a mixture of metric prefix deka (da) and the SI derived unit of frequency hertz (Hz).

Exahertz [ EHz ]

Exahertz (EHz) is a unit of frequency equal to 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 hertzs. This unit is a mixture of metric prefix dxa (E) and the SI derived unit of frequency hertz (Hz).

Femtohertz [ fHz ]

Femtohertz (fHz) is a unit of frequency equal to 1/1 000 000 000 000 000 or 1.0E-15 hertz. This unit is a mixture of metric prefix femto (f) and the SI derived unit of frequency hertz (Hz).

Gigahertz [ GHz ]

Gigahertz is a unit of frequency measurement and its symbol "GHz". Its comes from a combination of metrix-prefix "giga" and SI derived of frequency unit "hertz" which 1 GHz = 1 000 000 000 Hz.

Hectohertz [ hHz ]

Hectohertz is a unit of frequency equal to 100 hertz and its abbreviated as hHz. This unit is a combination of the metric prefix "hecto" and the SI devired unit of frequency hertz.

Hertz [ Hz ]

Hezts is a SI derived of frequency unit.

Kilohertz [ kHz ]

Kilohertz is a measure of the frequency and its symbol is "kHz". It come from a combination of metrix-prefix "kilo" and SI derived of frequency unit "hertz" which 1 kHz = 1 000 Hz.

Megahertz [ MHz ]

Megahertz is a measure of the frequency and its symbol is "MHz". It comes from a combination of metric-prefix "mega" and SI derived unit of frequency "hertz" which 1 MHz = 1 000 000 Hz.

Microhertz [ µHz ]

Microhertz (µHz) is a unit of frequency equal to 1/1 000 000 hertz. This unit is a mixture of metric prefix micro (µ) and the SI derived unit of frequency hertz (Hz).

Millihertz [ mHz ]

Millihertz is a measure of the frequency and its symbol is "mHz". It comes from a combination of metric-prefix "milli" and SI derived unit of frequency "hertz" which 1 hertz = 1000 mHzs.

Nanohertz [ nHz ]

Nanohertz (nHz) is a unit of frequency equal to 1/1 000 000 000 or 1.0E-9 hertz. This unit is a mixture of metric prefix nano (n) and the SI derived unit of frequency hertz (Hz).

Petahertz [ PHz ]

Petahertz (PHz) is a unit of frequency equal to 1 000 000 000 000 000 or 1.0E+15 hertzs. This unit is a mixture of metric prefix peta (d) and the SI derived unit of frequency hertz (Hz).

Picohertz [ pHz ]

Picohertz (pHz) is a unit of frequency equal to 1/1 000 000 000 000 or 1.0E-12 hertz. This unit is a mixture of metric prefix pico (p) and the SI derived unit of frequency hertz (Hz).

Radian / hour [ rad/h ]

Radian per hour is a measure of the frequency and its symbol is "rad/h". The radian per hour is defined as the change in the orientation of an object, in radians, every hour.

Radian / minute [ rad/min ]

Radian per minute is a measure of the frequency and its symbol is "rad/s". The radian per minute is defined as the change in the orientation of an object, in radians, every minute.

Radian / second [ rad/s ]

Radian per second is a measure of the frequency and its symbol is "rad/s". The radian per second is defined as the change in the orientation of an object, in radians, every second.

Revolution / hour [ r/h ]

Revolutions per hour is a measure of the frequency of a rotation and its symbol "rph" or "r/h"

Revolution / minute [ r/min ]

Revolutions per minute is a measure of the frequency of a rotation and it's symbol "rpm", "RPM" or "r/min".

Revolution / second [ r/s ]

Revolutions per second is a measure of the frequency of a rotation and it's symbol "rps" or "r/s".


RPM is alternative name of revolutions per minute in frequency measurement.

Terahertz [ THz ]

Terahertz is a unit of frequency and its symbol "THz". It comes from a combination of metrix-prefix "tera" with the SI derived unit of frequency "hertz".

Yoctohertz [ yHz ]

Yoctohertz (yHz) is a unit of frequency equal to 1.0E-24 hertz. This unit is a mixture of metric prefix yocto (y) and the SI derived unit of frequency hertz (Hz).

Yottahertz [ YHz ]

Yottahertz (YHz) is a unit of frequency equal to 1.0E+24 hertzs. This unit is a mixture of metric prefix yotta (Y) and the SI derived unit of frequency hertz (Hz).

Zeptohertz [ zHz ]

Zeptohertz (zHz) is a unit of frequency equal to 1.0E-21 hertz. This unit is a mixture of metric prefix zepto (z) and the SI derived unit of frequency hertz (Hz).

Zettahertz [ ZHz ]

Zettahertz is, equal to 1.0E+21 hertzs, a unit of frequency with the symbol "ZHz". It is a mixture of metric prefix "zetta" and the SI derived unit of frequency "hertz".