Kilohertzs to Zettahertzs Conversion Calculator

1 kilohertz = 1.0E-18 zettahertzs

Sample Frequency Conversion

10 revolution / second to radians per second, the result is 62.831853 radians per second
10 revolution / second to RPM, the result is 0.0005 RPM
10 hertz to cycles per second, the result is 10 cycles per second
10 1 / second to radians per second, the result is 62.831853 radians per second
10 RPM to revolutions per minute, the result is 10 revolutions per minute
10 1 / second to RPM, the result is 0.0005 RPM
10 cycle / second to radians per second, the result is 62.831853 radians per second
10 RPM to radians per second, the result is 1377022.890348 radians per second
10 radian / second to RPM, the result is 0.0001 RPM
10 revolution / second to degrees per second, the result is 3600 degrees per second

Table Conversion

With the following tool, you can generate and print the kilohertzs to zettahertzs reference table based on your own needs. You can find a dynamic tool at kilohertzs to zettahertzs table chart (kHz to ZHz) or zettahertzs to kilohertzs table chart (ZHz to kHz).

1= 1.0E-18
2= 2.0E-18
3= 3.0E-18
4= 4.0E-18
5= 5.0E-18
6= 6.0E-18
7= 7.0E-18
8= 8.0E-18
9= 9.0E-18
10= 1.0E-17
11= 1.1E-17
12= 1.2E-17
13= 1.3E-17
14= 1.4E-17
15= 1.5E-17
16= 1.6E-17
17= 1.7E-17
18= 1.8E-17
19= 1.9E-17
20= 2.0E-17
21= 2.1E-17
22= 2.2E-17
23= 2.3E-17
24= 2.4E-17
25= 2.5E-17
1= 1.0E+18
2= 2.0E+18
3= 3.0E+18
4= 4.0E+18
5= 5.0E+18
6= 6.0E+18
7= 7.0E+18
8= 8.0E+18
9= 9.0E+18
10= 1.0E+19
11= 1.1E+19
12= 1.2E+19
13= 1.3E+19
14= 1.4E+19
15= 1.5E+19
16= 1.6E+19
17= 1.7E+19
18= 1.8E+19
19= 1.9E+19
20= 2.0E+19
21= 2.1E+19
22= 2.2E+19
23= 2.3E+19
24= 2.4E+19
25= 2.5E+19

Unit Information

Kilohertz is a measure of the frequency and its symbol is "kHz". It come from a combination of metrix-prefix "kilo" and SI derived of frequency unit "hertz" which 1 kHz = 1 000 Hz.

1 kHz = 1000 1/skilohertzs to 1 per second converterkilohertzs to 1 per second table
1 kHz = 1.0E+21 aHzkilohertzs to attohertzs converterkilohertzs to attohertzs table
1 kHz = 100000 cHzkilohertzs to centihertzs converterkilohertzs to centihertzs table
1 kHz = 1000 c/skilohertzs to cycles per second converterkilohertzs to cycles per second table
1 kHz = 10000 dHzkilohertzs to decihertzs converterkilohertzs to decihertzs table
1 kHz = 1296000000 °/hkilohertzs to degrees per hour converterkilohertzs to degrees per hour table
1 kHz = 21600000 °/minkilohertzs to degrees per minute converterkilohertzs to degrees per minute table
1 kHz = 360000 °/skilohertzs to degrees per second converterkilohertzs to degrees per second table
1 kHz = 100 daHzkilohertzs to dekahertzs converterkilohertzs to dekahertzs table
1 kHz = 1.0E-15 EHzkilohertzs to exahertzs converterkilohertzs to exahertzs table
1 kHz = 1.0E+18 fHzkilohertzs to femtohertzs converterkilohertzs to femtohertzs table
1 kHz = 1.0E-6 GHzkilohertzs to gigahertzs converterkilohertzs to gigahertzs table
1 kHz = 10 hHzkilohertzs to hectohertzs converterkilohertzs to hectohertzs table
1 kHz = 1000 Hzkilohertzs to hertzs converterkilohertzs to hertzs table
1 kHz = 0.001 MHzkilohertzs to megahertzs converterkilohertzs to megahertzs table
1 kHz = 1000000000 µHzkilohertzs to microhertzs converterkilohertzs to microhertzs table
1 kHz = 1000000 mHzkilohertzs to millihertzs converterkilohertzs to millihertzs table
1 kHz = 1000000000000 nHzkilohertzs to nanohertzs converterkilohertzs to nanohertzs table
1 kHz = 1.0E-12 PHzkilohertzs to petahertzs converterkilohertzs to petahertzs table
1 kHz = 1.0E+15 pHzkilohertzs to picohertzs converterkilohertzs to picohertzs table
1 kHz = 22619467 rad/hkilohertzs to radians per hour converterkilohertzs to radians per hour table
1 kHz = 376991.11999999 rad/minkilohertzs to radians per minute converterkilohertzs to radians per minute table
1 kHz = 6283.1853 rad/skilohertzs to radians per second converterkilohertzs to radians per second table
1 kHz = 0.0016 r/hkilohertzs to revolutions per hour converterkilohertzs to revolutions per hour table
1 kHz = 0.0456 r/minkilohertzs to revolutions per minute converterkilohertzs to revolutions per minute table
1 kHz = 1000 r/skilohertzs to revolutions per second converterkilohertzs to revolutions per second table
1 kHz = 0.0456 RPMkilohertzs to RPM converterkilohertzs to RPM table
1 kHz = 1.0E-9 THzkilohertzs to terahertz converterkilohertzs to terahertz table
1 kHz = 1.0E+27 yHzkilohertzs to yoctohertzs converterkilohertzs to yoctohertzs table
1 kHz = 1.0E-21 YHzkilohertzs to yottahertzs converterkilohertzs to yottahertzs table
1 kHz = 1.0E+24 zHzkilohertzs to zeptohertzs converterkilohertzs to zeptohertzs table
1 kHz = 1.0E-18 ZHzkilohertzs to zettahertzs converterkilohertzs to zettahertzs table

Zettahertz is, equal to 1.0E+21 hertzs, a unit of frequency with the symbol "ZHz". It is a mixture of metric prefix "zetta" and the SI derived unit of frequency "hertz".

1 ZHz = 1.0E+21 1/szettahertzs to 1 per second converterzettahertzs to 1 per second table
1 ZHz = 1.0E+39 aHzzettahertzs to attohertzs converterzettahertzs to attohertzs table
1 ZHz = 1.0E+23 cHzzettahertzs to centihertzs converterzettahertzs to centihertzs table
1 ZHz = 1.0E+21 c/szettahertzs to cycles per second converterzettahertzs to cycles per second table
1 ZHz = 1.0E+22 dHzzettahertzs to decihertzs converterzettahertzs to decihertzs table
1 ZHz = 1.296E+27 °/hzettahertzs to degrees per hour converterzettahertzs to degrees per hour table
1 ZHz = 2.16E+25 °/minzettahertzs to degrees per minute converterzettahertzs to degrees per minute table
1 ZHz = 3.6E+23 °/szettahertzs to degrees per second converterzettahertzs to degrees per second table
1 ZHz = 1.0E+20 daHzzettahertzs to dekahertzs converterzettahertzs to dekahertzs table
1 ZHz = 1000 EHzzettahertzs to exahertzs converterzettahertzs to exahertzs table
1 ZHz = 1.0E+36 fHzzettahertzs to femtohertzs converterzettahertzs to femtohertzs table
1 ZHz = 1000000000000 GHzzettahertzs to gigahertzs converterzettahertzs to gigahertzs table
1 ZHz = 1.0E+19 hHzzettahertzs to hectohertzs converterzettahertzs to hectohertzs table
1 ZHz = 1.0E+21 Hzzettahertzs to hertzs converterzettahertzs to hertzs table
1 ZHz = 1.0E+18 kHzzettahertzs to kilohertzs converterzettahertzs to kilohertzs table
1 ZHz = 1.0E+15 MHzzettahertzs to megahertzs converterzettahertzs to megahertzs table
1 ZHz = 1.0E+27 µHzzettahertzs to microhertzs converterzettahertzs to microhertzs table
1 ZHz = 1.0E+24 mHzzettahertzs to millihertzs converterzettahertzs to millihertzs table
1 ZHz = 1.0E+30 nHzzettahertzs to nanohertzs converterzettahertzs to nanohertzs table
1 ZHz = 1000000 PHzzettahertzs to petahertzs converterzettahertzs to petahertzs table
1 ZHz = 1.0E+33 pHzzettahertzs to picohertzs converterzettahertzs to picohertzs table
1 ZHz = 2.2619467E+25 rad/hzettahertzs to radians per hour converterzettahertzs to radians per hour table
1 ZHz = 3.7699111999999E+23 rad/minzettahertzs to radians per minute converterzettahertzs to radians per minute table
1 ZHz = 6.2831853E+21 rad/szettahertzs to radians per second converterzettahertzs to radians per second table
1 ZHz = 1.6105289943535E+15 r/hzettahertzs to revolutions per hour converterzettahertzs to revolutions per hour table
1 ZHz = 4.5628764373061E+16 r/minzettahertzs to revolutions per minute converterzettahertzs to revolutions per minute table
1 ZHz = 1.0E+21 r/szettahertzs to revolutions per second converterzettahertzs to revolutions per second table
1 ZHz = 4.5628764373061E+16 RPMzettahertzs to RPM converterzettahertzs to RPM table
1 ZHz = 1000000000 THzzettahertzs to terahertz converterzettahertzs to terahertz table
1 ZHz = 1.0E+45 yHzzettahertzs to yoctohertzs converterzettahertzs to yoctohertzs table
1 ZHz = 0.001 YHzzettahertzs to yottahertzs converterzettahertzs to yottahertzs table
1 ZHz = 1.0E+42 zHzzettahertzs to zeptohertzs converterzettahertzs to zeptohertzs table

Frequency Units


1 / second

1 per second is equivalent to cycle per second, a unit of frequency measurement.


Attohertz (aHz) is a unit of frequency equal to 1.0E-18 hertz. This unit is a mixture of metric prefix atto (a) and the SI derived unit of frequency hertz (Hz).


Centihertz (cHz) is a unit of frequency equal to 0.01 hertz. This unit is a mixture of metric prefix centi (c) and the SI derived unit of frequency hertz (Hz).

Cycle / second

Cycle per second is a unit of frequency measurement system and its symbol is c/s.


Decihertz (dHz) is a unit of frequency equal to 0.1 hertz. This unit is a mixture of metric prefix deci (d) and the SI derived unit of frequency hertz (Hz).

Degree / hour

Degree per hour is a unit of frequency measurement system and its symbol is °/h.

Degree / minute

Degree per minute is a unit of frequency measurement system and its symbol is °/min

Degree / second

Degree per second is a unit or frequency measurement system and its symbol is °/s.


Dekahertz (daHz) is a unit of frequency equal to 10 hertzx. This unit is a mixture of metric prefix deka (da) and the SI derived unit of frequency hertz (Hz).


Exahertz (EHz) is a unit of frequency equal to 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 hertzs. This unit is a mixture of metric prefix dxa (E) and the SI derived unit of frequency hertz (Hz).


Femtohertz (fHz) is a unit of frequency equal to 1/1 000 000 000 000 000 or 1.0E-15 hertz. This unit is a mixture of metric prefix femto (f) and the SI derived unit of frequency hertz (Hz).


Gigahertz is a unit of frequency measurement and its symbol "GHz". Its comes from a combination of metrix-prefix "giga" and SI derived of frequency unit "hertz" which 1 GHz = 1 000 000 000 Hz.


Hectohertz is a unit of frequency equal to 100 hertz and its abbreviated as hHz. This unit is a combination of the metric prefix "hecto" and the SI devired unit of frequency hertz.


Hezts is a SI derived of frequency unit.


Kilohertz is a measure of the frequency and its symbol is "kHz". It come from a combination of metrix-prefix "kilo" and SI derived of frequency unit "hertz" which 1 kHz = 1 000 Hz.


Megahertz is a measure of the frequency and its symbol is "MHz". It comes from a combination of metric-prefix "mega" and SI derived unit of frequency "hertz" which 1 MHz = 1 000 000 Hz.


Microhertz (µHz) is a unit of frequency equal to 1/1 000 000 hertz. This unit is a mixture of metric prefix micro (µ) and the SI derived unit of frequency hertz (Hz).


Millihertz is a measure of the frequency and its symbol is "mHz". It comes from a combination of metric-prefix "milli" and SI derived unit of frequency "hertz" which 1 hertz = 1000 mHzs.


Nanohertz (nHz) is a unit of frequency equal to 1/1 000 000 000 or 1.0E-9 hertz. This unit is a mixture of metric prefix nano (n) and the SI derived unit of frequency hertz (Hz).


Petahertz (PHz) is a unit of frequency equal to 1 000 000 000 000 000 or 1.0E+15 hertzs. This unit is a mixture of metric prefix peta (d) and the SI derived unit of frequency hertz (Hz).


Picohertz (pHz) is a unit of frequency equal to 1/1 000 000 000 000 or 1.0E-12 hertz. This unit is a mixture of metric prefix pico (p) and the SI derived unit of frequency hertz (Hz).

Radian / hour

Radian per hour is a measure of the frequency and its symbol is "rad/h". The radian per hour is defined as the change in the orientation of an object, in radians, every hour.

Radian / minute

Radian per minute is a measure of the frequency and its symbol is "rad/s". The radian per minute is defined as the change in the orientation of an object, in radians, every minute.

Radian / second

Radian per second is a measure of the frequency and its symbol is "rad/s". The radian per second is defined as the change in the orientation of an object, in radians, every second.

Revolution / hour

Revolutions per hour is a measure of the frequency of a rotation and its symbol "rph" or "r/h"

Revolution / minute

Revolutions per minute is a measure of the frequency of a rotation and it's symbol "rpm", "RPM" or "r/min".

Revolution / second

Revolutions per second is a measure of the frequency of a rotation and it's symbol "rps" or "r/s".


RPM is alternative name of revolutions per minute in frequency measurement.


Terahertz is a unit of frequency and its symbol "THz". It comes from a combination of metrix-prefix "tera" with the SI derived unit of frequency "hertz".


Yoctohertz (yHz) is a unit of frequency equal to 1.0E-24 hertz. This unit is a mixture of metric prefix yocto (y) and the SI derived unit of frequency hertz (Hz).


Yottahertz (YHz) is a unit of frequency equal to 1.0E+24 hertzs. This unit is a mixture of metric prefix yotta (Y) and the SI derived unit of frequency hertz (Hz).


Zeptohertz (zHz) is a unit of frequency equal to 1.0E-21 hertz. This unit is a mixture of metric prefix zepto (z) and the SI derived unit of frequency hertz (Hz).


Zettahertz is, equal to 1.0E+21 hertzs, a unit of frequency with the symbol "ZHz". It is a mixture of metric prefix "zetta" and the SI derived unit of frequency "hertz".