Inch pounds to Foot pounds Conversion Calculator

1 inch pound = 0.0833 foot pounds

Sample Energy Conversion

10 foot pound to inch pounds, the result is 120 inch pounds
10 inch pound to newton meters, the result is 1.12984825 newton meters
10 newton meter to foot pounds, the result is 7.375621755694 foot pounds
10 inch pound to foot pounds, the result is 0.8333 foot pounds
10 foot pound to newton meters, the result is 13.558179 newton meters
10 liter atmosphere to joules, the result is 1013.25 joules
10 inch pound to inch ounces, the result is 159.99999461875 inch ounces
10 newton meter to inch pounds, the result is 88.507461068334 inch pounds
10 newton meter to horsepower hours, the result is 3.725061E-6 horsepower hours
10 joule to newton meters, the result is 10 newton meters

Table Conversion

With the following tool, you can generate and print the inch pounds to foot pounds reference table based on your own needs. You can find a dynamic tool at inch pounds to foot pounds table chart (in-lb to ft-lb) or foot pounds to inch pounds table chart (ft-lb to in-lb).

1= 0.0833
2= 0.1667
3= 0.25
4= 0.3333
5= 0.4167
6= 0.5
7= 0.5833
8= 0.6667
9= 0.75
10= 0.8333
11= 0.9167
12= 1
13= 1.083333333333
14= 1.166666666667
15= 1.25
16= 1.333333333333
17= 1.416666666667
18= 1.5
19= 1.583333333333
20= 1.666666666667
21= 1.75
22= 1.833333333333
23= 1.916666666667
24= 2
25= 2.083333333333
1= 12
2= 24
3= 36
4= 48
5= 60
6= 72
7= 84
8= 96
9= 108
10= 120
11= 132
12= 144
13= 156
14= 168
15= 180
16= 192
17= 204
18= 216
19= 228
20= 240
21= 252
22= 264
23= 276
24= 288
25= 300

Unit Information

Inch pound is a unit of energy equal to about 0.112984829 joules, symbol "in-lb".

1 in-lb = 0.0001 BTUinch pounds to Btus converterinch pounds to Btus table
1 in-lb = 0.027 cal15inch pounds to calories [15 °C] converterinch pounds to calories [15 °C] table
1 in-lb = 0.027 calitinch pounds to calories [I.T.] converterinch pounds to calories [I.T.] table
1 in-lb = 2.6985962E-5 calnutritionalinch pounds to Calories [nutritional] converterinch pounds to Calories [nutritional] table
1 in-lb = 0.027 calthinch pounds to calories [thermochemical] converterinch pounds to calories [thermochemical] table
1 in-lb = 1.07E-10 dathinch pounds to dekatherms converterinch pounds to dekatherms table
1 in-lb = 7.0519551737501E+17 eVinch pounds to electronvolts converterinch pounds to electronvolts table
1 in-lb = 1129848.25 erginch pounds to ergs converterinch pounds to ergs table
1 in-lb = 1.12984825E-19 EJinch pounds to exajoules converterinch pounds to exajoules table
1 in-lb = 1.12984825E+14 fJinch pounds to femtojoules converterinch pounds to femtojoules table
1 in-lb = 0.0833 ft-lbinch pounds to foot pounds converterinch pounds to foot pounds table
1 in-lb = 1.13E-10 GJinch pounds to gigajoules converterinch pounds to gigajoules table
1 in-lb = 3.1384673611111E-14 GWhinch pounds to gigawatt hours converterinch pounds to gigawatt hours table
1 in-lb = 0.027 gcalinch pounds to gram calories converterinch pounds to gram calories table
1 in-lb = 2.5915447364598E+16 Ehinch pounds to hartrees converterinch pounds to hartrees table
1 in-lb = 4.2088E-8 hphinch pounds to horsepower hours converterinch pounds to horsepower hours table
1 in-lb = 15.999999461875 in-ozinch pounds to inch ounces converterinch pounds to inch ounces table
1 in-lb = 0.113 Jinch pounds to joules converterinch pounds to joules table
1 in-lb = 2.6992409E-5 Kgcalinch pounds to kilogram calories converterinch pounds to kilogram calories table
1 in-lb = 0.0001 kJinch pounds to kilojoules converterinch pounds to kilojoules table
1 in-lb = 3.1385E-8 kWhinch pounds to kilowatt hours converterinch pounds to kilowatt hours table
1 in-lb = 0.0011 l-atminch pounds to liter atmospheres converterinch pounds to liter atmospheres table
1 in-lb = 705195517375.01 MeVinch pounds to megaelectronvolts converterinch pounds to megaelectronvolts table
1 in-lb = 1.12985E-7 MJinch pounds to megajoules converterinch pounds to megajoules table
1 in-lb = 3.1E-11 MWhinch pounds to megawatthours converterinch pounds to megawatthours table
1 in-lb = 112984.825 µJinch pounds to microjoules converterinch pounds to microjoules table
1 in-lb = 112.984825 mJinch pounds to millijoules converterinch pounds to millijoules table
1 in-lb = 112984825 nJinch pounds to nanojoules converterinch pounds to nanojoules table
1 in-lb = 0.113 Nminch pounds to newton meters converterinch pounds to newton meters table
1 in-lb = 1.12984825E-16 PJinch pounds to petajoules converterinch pounds to petajoules table
1 in-lb = 112984825000 pJinch pounds to picojoules converterinch pounds to picojoules table
1 in-lb = 1.070889466615E-22 q unitinch pounds to Q units converterinch pounds to Q units table
1 in-lb = 1.070889466615E-19 quadinch pounds to quads converterinch pounds to quads table
1 in-lb = 705195.51737501 TeVinch pounds to teraelectronvolts converterinch pounds to teraelectronvolts table
1 in-lb = 1.12984825E-13 TJinch pounds to terajoules converterinch pounds to terajoules table
1 in-lb = 3.1384673611111E-17 TWhinch pounds to terawatthours converterinch pounds to terawatthours table
1 in-lb = 2.6992E-8 thinch pounds to thermies converterinch pounds to thermies table
1 in-lb = 1.071E-9 thinch pounds to therms converterinch pounds to therms table
1 in-lb = 4.0E-12 TCEinch pounds to tonnes of coal equivalent converterinch pounds to tonnes of coal equivalent table
1 in-lb = 3.0E-12 TOEinch pounds to tonnes of oil equivalent converterinch pounds to tonnes of oil equivalent table
1 in-lb = 2.7E-11 texplosiveinch pounds to tons [explosive] converterinch pounds to tons [explosive] table
1 in-lb = 3.1384674E-5 Whinch pounds to watthours converterinch pounds to watthours table
1 in-lb = 0.113 Wsinch pounds to wattseconds converterinch pounds to wattseconds table

Foot-pound or foot-pound force is a unit of energy in the Engineering and Gravitational System in United States customy and imperial unit of measure.

1 ft-lb = 0.0013 BTUfoot pounds to Btus converterfoot pounds to Btus table
1 ft-lb = 0.3239 cal15foot pounds to calories [15 °C] converterfoot pounds to calories [15 °C] table
1 ft-lb = 0.3238 calitfoot pounds to calories [I.T.] converterfoot pounds to calories [I.T.] table
1 ft-lb = 0.0003 calnutritionalfoot pounds to Calories [nutritional] converterfoot pounds to Calories [nutritional] table
1 ft-lb = 0.324 calthfoot pounds to calories [thermochemical] converterfoot pounds to calories [thermochemical] table
1 ft-lb = 1.285E-9 dathfoot pounds to dekatherms converterfoot pounds to dekatherms table
1 ft-lb = 8.4623462085001E+18 eVfoot pounds to electronvolts converterfoot pounds to electronvolts table
1 ft-lb = 13558179 ergfoot pounds to ergs converterfoot pounds to ergs table
1 ft-lb = 1.3558179E-18 EJfoot pounds to exajoules converterfoot pounds to exajoules table
1 ft-lb = 1.3558179E+15 fJfoot pounds to femtojoules converterfoot pounds to femtojoules table
1 ft-lb = 1.356E-9 GJfoot pounds to gigajoules converterfoot pounds to gigajoules table
1 ft-lb = 3.7661608333333E-13 GWhfoot pounds to gigawatt hours converterfoot pounds to gigawatt hours table
1 ft-lb = 0.3239 gcalfoot pounds to gram calories converterfoot pounds to gram calories table
1 ft-lb = 3.1098536837517E+17 Ehfoot pounds to hartrees converterfoot pounds to hartrees table
1 ft-lb = 5.0505E-7 hphfoot pounds to horsepower hours converterfoot pounds to horsepower hours table
1 ft-lb = 191.9999935425 in-ozfoot pounds to inch ounces converterfoot pounds to inch ounces table
1 ft-lb = 12 in-lbfoot pounds to inch pounds converterfoot pounds to inch pounds table
1 ft-lb = 1.3558179 Jfoot pounds to joules converterfoot pounds to joules table
1 ft-lb = 0.0003 Kgcalfoot pounds to kilogram calories converterfoot pounds to kilogram calories table
1 ft-lb = 0.0014 kJfoot pounds to kilojoules converterfoot pounds to kilojoules table
1 ft-lb = 3.76616E-7 kWhfoot pounds to kilowatt hours converterfoot pounds to kilowatt hours table
1 ft-lb = 0.0134 l-atmfoot pounds to liter atmospheres converterfoot pounds to liter atmospheres table
1 ft-lb = 8462346208500.1 MeVfoot pounds to megaelectronvolts converterfoot pounds to megaelectronvolts table
1 ft-lb = 1.355818E-6 MJfoot pounds to megajoules converterfoot pounds to megajoules table
1 ft-lb = 3.77E-10 MWhfoot pounds to megawatthours converterfoot pounds to megawatthours table
1 ft-lb = 1355817.9 µJfoot pounds to microjoules converterfoot pounds to microjoules table
1 ft-lb = 1355.8179 mJfoot pounds to millijoules converterfoot pounds to millijoules table
1 ft-lb = 1355817900 nJfoot pounds to nanojoules converterfoot pounds to nanojoules table
1 ft-lb = 1.3558179 Nmfoot pounds to newton meters converterfoot pounds to newton meters table
1 ft-lb = 1.3558179E-15 PJfoot pounds to petajoules converterfoot pounds to petajoules table
1 ft-lb = 1355817900000 pJfoot pounds to picojoules converterfoot pounds to picojoules table
1 ft-lb = 1.285067359938E-21 q unitfoot pounds to Q units converterfoot pounds to Q units table
1 ft-lb = 1.285067359938E-18 quadfoot pounds to quads converterfoot pounds to quads table
1 ft-lb = 8462346.2085001 TeVfoot pounds to teraelectronvolts converterfoot pounds to teraelectronvolts table
1 ft-lb = 1.0E-12 TJfoot pounds to terajoules converterfoot pounds to terajoules table
1 ft-lb = 3.7661608333333E-16 TWhfoot pounds to terawatthours converterfoot pounds to terawatthours table
1 ft-lb = 3.23909E-7 thfoot pounds to thermies converterfoot pounds to thermies table
1 ft-lb = 1.2851E-8 thfoot pounds to therms converterfoot pounds to therms table
1 ft-lb = 4.6E-11 TCEfoot pounds to tonnes of coal equivalent converterfoot pounds to tonnes of coal equivalent table
1 ft-lb = 3.2E-11 TOEfoot pounds to tonnes of oil equivalent converterfoot pounds to tonnes of oil equivalent table
1 ft-lb = 3.24E-10 texplosivefoot pounds to tons [explosive] converterfoot pounds to tons [explosive] table
1 ft-lb = 0.0004 Whfoot pounds to watthours converterfoot pounds to watthours table
1 ft-lb = 1.3558179 Wsfoot pounds to wattseconds converterfoot pounds to wattseconds table

Energy Units



Btu is the abbreviation of the British thermal unit. It is a traditional unit of energy equal to about 1055 joules.

Calorie [15 °C]

Calorie [ 15 °C] is a unit of energy that the amount of energy required to warm on gram of air-free water from 14.5 °C to 15.5 °C at standard atmospheric presure (1 cal [15°C] = 4.1855 J).

Calorie [I.T.]

Calorie is a pre-SI metric unit of energy, symbol "cal". Calorie [i.t.] is an International Stream Table calorie equal to 4.1868 joules.

Calorie [nutritional]

Calorie [nutritional] is a unit of energy in food.

Calorie [thermochemical]

Calorie [thermochemical] is a unit of energy use in thermochemistry.


Dakatherm is a unit of energy eqal 10 therms, symbol "dath".


Electronvolts (symbol eV; also written electron volt) is a unit of energy equal to approximately 1.602×10.19 joule.


Erg is a unit of energy and mechanical work in the the centimetre-gram-second (CGS) system of units, symbol "erg".


Exajoule is a unit of energy equal to 1.0E+18 joules, symbol "EJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "exa" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".


Femtojoule is a unit of energy equal to 1.0E-15 joules, symbol "fJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "femto" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".

Foot pound

Foot-pound or foot-pound force is a unit of energy in the Engineering and Gravitational System in United States customy and imperial unit of measure.


Gigajoule is a unit of energy equal to 1.0E+9 joules, symbol "GJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "giga" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".

Gigawatt hour

Gigawatt hour is a unit of energy equal to 1000 Megawatt hours, sysmbol "GWh". This unit comes form "giga" metric-prefix and "watt hour" unit of energy.

Gram calorie

Gram calorie or small calorie (symbol: cal) approximates the energy needed to increase the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 °C. This is about 4.2 joules.


The hartree is the atomic unit of energy, symbol (Eh or Ha).

Horsepower hour

Horsepower-hour (hph) is an outdated unit of energy, not used in the SI system of units.

Inch ounce

Inch ounce is a unit of energy equal to about 0.007061552 joule, symbol "in-oz".

Inch pound

Inch pound is a unit of energy equal to about 0.112984829 joules, symbol "in-lb".


Joule is a derived unit of energy or work in the International System of Units, symbol "J".

Kilogram calorie

kilogram calorie, dietary calorie, or food calorie (symbol: Cal) approximates the energy needed to increase the temperature of 1 kilogram of water by 1 °C. This is exactly 1,000 small calories or about 4.2 kilojoules.


Kilojoule is a unit of energy equal to 1000 joules, symbol "kJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "kilo" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".

Kilowatt hour

The kilowatt-hour (symbolized kWh) is a unit of energy equivalent to one kilowatt (1 kW) of power expended for one hour (1 h) of time.

Liter atmosphere

Liter atmosphere is a unit of energy, symbole "l-atm", equal to 101.32500 joules.


Megaelectronvolt is a unit or energy equal 1 000 000 electronvolts, symbol "MeV".


Megajoule is a unit of energy equal to 1 000 000 joules, symbol "MJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "mega" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".


Megawatthours is unit of energy equal to 1 000 kilowatt hours, symbol "MWh".


Microjoule is a unit of energy equal to 1/1 000 000 joule, symbol "µJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "micro" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".


Millijoule is a unit of energy equal to 1/1 000 joule, symbol "mJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "milli" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".


Nanojoule is a unit of energy equal to 1/1 000 000 000 joule, symbol "nJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "nano" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".

Newton meter

A newton metre is a unit of torque (also called "moment") in the SI system. The symbolic form is Nm or N·m. One newton metre is equal to the torque resulting from a force of one newton applied perpendicularly to a moment arm which is one metre long.


Petajoule is a unit of energy equal to 1.0E+15 joules, symbol "PJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "peta" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".


Picojoule is a unit of energy equal to 1/1 000 000 000 000 joule, symbol "pJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "pico" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".

Q unit

Q units is a measure of energy system.


A quad is a unit of energy equal to 1015 (a short-scale quadrillion) BTU,or 1.055 × 1018 joules (1.055 exajoules or EJ) in SI units.


Teraelectronvolt is a unit of energy equal to 1012 electronvolts, symbol "TeV". This unit comes form a combination of metrix-prefix "tera" and "electronvolt".


Terajoule is a unit of energy equal to 1.0E+12 joules, symbol "TJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "tera" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".


Terawatthours is a unit of energy equal to 1000 Gigawatt hours, symbol "TWh". This unit comes from a combination fo metric-prefix "tera" and "watt hour" unit of energy.


Thermie (th) is a metric unit of heat energy, part of the meter-tonne-second system sometimes used by European engineers.


The therm (symbol th) is a non-SI unit of heat energy equal to 100,000 British thermal units (BTU).

Tonne of coal equivalent

Tonne of coal equivalent or ton of coal equivalent (TCE) is, unit of energy, a conventional value of 7 Gcal (IT) = 29.3076 GJ.

Tonne of oil equivalent

A ton of oil equivalent (TOE) is, unit of energy, a conventional value, based on the amount of energy released by burning one tonne of crude oil, of 41.868 GJ, 11.63 MWh, 1.28 TCE, 39.68 million BTU, or 6.6 - 8.0 actual barrels of oil (depending on actual

Ton [explosive]

Ton [explosive] is a measure of energy.


Watthour (symbolized Wh) is a unit of energy equivalent to one watt (1 W) of power expended for one hour (1 h) of time.


Wattsecon (symbolized Ws) is a unit of energy equivalent to one watt (1 W) of power expended for one second (1 s) of time.