
Megaelectronvolt is a unit or energy equal 1 000 000 electronvolts, symbol "MeV". Plural name is megaelectronvolts.

Conversion Tool

Sample Energy Conversion

10 foot pound to inch pounds, the result is 120 inch pounds
10 inch pound to newton meters, the result is 1.12984825 newton meters
10 newton meter to foot pounds, the result is 7.375621755694 foot pounds
10 inch pound to foot pounds, the result is 0.8333 foot pounds
10 foot pound to newton meters, the result is 13.558179 newton meters
10 liter atmosphere to joules, the result is 1013.25 joules
10 inch pound to inch ounces, the result is 159.99999461875 inch ounces
10 newton meter to inch pounds, the result is 88.507461068334 inch pounds
10 newton meter to horsepower hours, the result is 3.725061E-6 horsepower hours
10 joule to newton meters, the result is 10 newton meters

Table Conversion and Table Chart

Megaelectronvolt to Other Units

Megaelectronvolt can convert to other units, such as Btu, calorie [15 °C], calorie [I.T.], Calorie [nutritional], calorie [thermochemical], dekatherm, electronvolt, erg, exajoule, femtojoule, foot pound, gigajoule, gigawatt hour, gram calorie, hartree, horsepower hour, inch ounce, inch pound, joule, kilogram calorie, kilojoule, kilowatt hour, liter atmosphere, megajoule, megawatthour, microjoule, millijoule, nanojoule, newton meter, petajoule, picojoule, Q unit, quad, teraelectronvolt, terajoule, terawatthour, thermie, therm , tonne of coal equivalent, tonne of oil equivalent, ton [explosive], watthour, wattsecond and more. You can find the reference table below:

Unit to Other Unit Energy Conversion Energy Table
1 MeV = 1.518571006522E-16 BTUmegaelectronvolts to Btusmegaelectronvolts to Btus table
1 MeV = 3.8276489559941E-14 cal15megaelectronvolts to calories [15 °C]megaelectronvolts to calories [15 °C] table
1 MeV = 3.8267347377472E-14 calitmegaelectronvolts to calories [I.T.]megaelectronvolts to calories [I.T.] table
1 MeV = 3.8267347377472E-17 calnutritionalmegaelectronvolts to Calories [nutritional]megaelectronvolts to Calories [nutritional] table
1 MeV = 3.8292956500956E-14 calthmegaelectronvolts to calories [thermochemical]megaelectronvolts to calories [thermochemical] table
1 MeV = 1.5185694232634E-22 dathmegaelectronvolts to dekathermsmegaelectronvolts to dekatherms table
1 MeV = 1000000 eVmegaelectronvolts to electronvoltsmegaelectronvolts to electronvolts table
1 MeV = 1.602177E-6 ergmegaelectronvolts to ergsmegaelectronvolts to ergs table
1 MeV = 1.6021773E-31 EJmegaelectronvolts to exajoulesmegaelectronvolts to exajoules table
1 MeV = 160.21773 fJmegaelectronvolts to femtojoulesmegaelectronvolts to femtojoules table
1 MeV = 1.181705375036E-13 ft-lbmegaelectronvolts to foot poundsmegaelectronvolts to foot pounds table
1 MeV = 1.6021773E-22 GJmegaelectronvolts to gigajoulesmegaelectronvolts to gigajoules table
1 MeV = 4.4504925E-26 GWhmegaelectronvolts to gigawatt hoursmegaelectronvolts to gigawatt hours table
1 MeV = 3.8276489559941E-14 gcalmegaelectronvolts to gram caloriesmegaelectronvolts to gram calories table
1 MeV = 36749.308136649 Ehmegaelectronvolts to hartreesmegaelectronvolts to hartrees table
1 MeV = 5.9682088358829E-20 hphmegaelectronvolts to horsepower hoursmegaelectronvolts to horsepower hours table
1 MeV = 2.3E-11 in-ozmegaelectronvolts to inch ouncesmegaelectronvolts to inch ounces table
1 MeV = 1.0E-12 in-lbmegaelectronvolts to inch poundsmegaelectronvolts to inch pounds table
1 MeV = 1.6021773E-13 Jmegaelectronvolts to joulesmegaelectronvolts to joules table
1 MeV = 3.8276489559941E-17 Kgcalmegaelectronvolts to kilogram caloriesmegaelectronvolts to kilogram calories table
1 MeV = 1.6021773E-16 kJmegaelectronvolts to kilojoulesmegaelectronvolts to kilojoules table
1 MeV = 4.4504925E-20 kWhmegaelectronvolts to kilowatt hoursmegaelectronvolts to kilowatt hours table
1 MeV = 1.5812260547742E-15 l-atmmegaelectronvolts to liter atmospheresmegaelectronvolts to liter atmospheres table
1 MeV = 1.6021773E-19 MJmegaelectronvolts to megajoulesmegaelectronvolts to megajoules table
1 MeV = 4.4504925E-23 MWhmegaelectronvolts to megawatthoursmegaelectronvolts to megawatthours table
1 MeV = 1.60218E-7 µJmegaelectronvolts to microjoulesmegaelectronvolts to microjoules table
1 MeV = 1.6E-10 mJmegaelectronvolts to millijoulesmegaelectronvolts to millijoules table
1 MeV = 0.0002 nJmegaelectronvolts to nanojoulesmegaelectronvolts to nanojoules table
1 MeV = 1.6021773E-13 Nmmegaelectronvolts to newton metersmegaelectronvolts to newton meters table
1 MeV = 1.6021773E-28 PJmegaelectronvolts to petajoulesmegaelectronvolts to petajoules table
1 MeV = 0.1602 pJmegaelectronvolts to picojoulesmegaelectronvolts to picojoules table
1 MeV = 1.518571006522E-34 q unitmegaelectronvolts to Q unitsmegaelectronvolts to Q units table
1 MeV = 1.518571006522E-31 quadmegaelectronvolts to quadsmegaelectronvolts to quads table
1 MeV = 1.0E-6 TeVmegaelectronvolts to teraelectronvoltsmegaelectronvolts to teraelectronvolts table
1 MeV = 1.6021773E-25 TJmegaelectronvolts to terajoulesmegaelectronvolts to terajoules table
1 MeV = 4.4504925E-29 TWhmegaelectronvolts to terawatthoursmegaelectronvolts to terawatthours table
1 MeV = 3.8276489559941E-20 thmegaelectronvolts to thermiesmegaelectronvolts to thermies table
1 MeV = 1.5185708625893E-21 thmegaelectronvolts to thermsmegaelectronvolts to therms table
1 MeV = 5.4667639110674E-24 TCEmegaelectronvolts to tonnes of coal equivalentmegaelectronvolts to tonnes of coal equivalent table
1 MeV = 3.8267347377472E-24 TOEmegaelectronvolts to tonnes of oil equivalentmegaelectronvolts to tonnes of oil equivalent table
1 MeV = 3.8292956500956E-23 texplosivemegaelectronvolts to tons [explosive]megaelectronvolts to tons [explosive] table
1 MeV = 4.4504925E-17 Whmegaelectronvolts to watthoursmegaelectronvolts to watthours table
1 MeV = 1.6021773E-13 Wsmegaelectronvolts to wattsecondsmegaelectronvolts to wattseconds table

Other Units to Megaelectronvolt

Megaelectronvolt also canvert from other unit such as Btu, calorie [15 °C], calorie [I.T.], Calorie [nutritional], calorie [thermochemical], dekatherm, electronvolt, erg, exajoule, femtojoule, foot pound, gigajoule, gigawatt hour, gram calorie, hartree, horsepower hour, inch ounce, inch pound, joule, kilogram calorie, kilojoule, kilowatt hour, liter atmosphere, megajoule, megawatthour, microjoule, millijoule, nanojoule, newton meter, petajoule, picojoule, Q unit, quad, teraelectronvolt, terajoule, terawatthour, thermie, therm , tonne of coal equivalent, tonne of oil equivalent, ton [explosive], watthour, wattsecond and more. You can find the reference table below:

Unit to Other Unit Energy Conversion Energy Table
1 BTU = 6.5851382365734E+15 MeVBtus to megaelectronvoltsBtus to megaelectronvolts table
1 cal15 = 26125697823830 MeVcalories [15 °C] to megaelectronvoltscalories [15 °C] to megaelectronvolts table
1 calit = 26131939330310 MeVcalories [I.T.] to megaelectronvoltscalories [I.T.] to megaelectronvolts table
1 calnutritional = 2.613193933031E+16 MeVCalories [nutritional] to megaelectronvoltsCalories [nutritional] to megaelectronvolts table
1 calth = 26114463112166 MeVcalories [thermochemical] to megaelectronvoltscalories [thermochemical] to megaelectronvolts table
1 dath = 6.5851451022306E+21 MeVdekatherms to megaelectronvoltsdekatherms to megaelectronvolts table
1 eV = 1.0E-6 MeVelectronvolts to megaelectronvoltselectronvolts to megaelectronvolts table
1 erg = 624150.64799632 MeVergs to megaelectronvoltsergs to megaelectronvolts table
1 EJ = 6.2415064799632E+30 MeVexajoules to megaelectronvoltsexajoules to megaelectronvolts table
1 fJ = 0.0062 MeVfemtojoules to megaelectronvoltsfemtojoules to megaelectronvolts table
1 ft-lb = 8462346208500.1 MeVfoot pounds to megaelectronvoltsfoot pounds to megaelectronvolts table
1 GJ = 6.2415064799632E+21 MeVgigajoules to megaelectronvoltsgigajoules to megaelectronvolts table
1 GWh = 2.2469423327868E+25 MeVgigawatt hours to megaelectronvoltsgigawatt hours to megaelectronvolts table
1 gcal = 26125697823830 MeVgram calories to megaelectronvoltsgram calories to megaelectronvolts table
1 Eh = 2.7211397E-5 MeVhartrees to megaelectronvoltshartrees to megaelectronvolts table
1 hph = 1.6755445854838E+19 MeVhorsepower hours to megaelectronvoltshorsepower hours to megaelectronvolts table
1 in-oz = 44074721318.296 MeVinch ounces to megaelectronvoltsinch ounces to megaelectronvolts table
1 in-lb = 705195517375.01 MeVinch pounds to megaelectronvoltsinch pounds to megaelectronvolts table
1 J = 6241506479963.2 MeVjoules to megaelectronvoltsjoules to megaelectronvolts table
1 Kgcal = 2.612569782383E+16 MeVkilogram calories to megaelectronvoltskilogram calories to megaelectronvolts table
1 kJ = 6.2415064799632E+15 MeVkilojoules to megaelectronvoltskilojoules to megaelectronvolts table
1 kWh = 2.2469423327868E+19 MeVkilowatt hours to megaelectronvoltskilowatt hours to megaelectronvolts table
1 l-atm = 6.3242064408227E+14 MeVliter atmospheres to megaelectronvoltsliter atmospheres to megaelectronvolts table
1 MJ = 6.2415064799632E+18 MeVmegajoules to megaelectronvoltsmegajoules to megaelectronvolts table
1 MWh = 2.2469423327868E+22 MeVmegawatthours to megaelectronvoltsmegawatthours to megaelectronvolts table
1 µJ = 6241506.4799632 MeVmicrojoules to megaelectronvoltsmicrojoules to megaelectronvolts table
1 mJ = 6241506479.9632 MeVmillijoules to megaelectronvoltsmillijoules to megaelectronvolts table
1 nJ = 6241.5064799632 MeVnanojoules to megaelectronvoltsnanojoules to megaelectronvolts table
1 Nm = 6241506479963.2 MeVnewton meters to megaelectronvoltsnewton meters to megaelectronvolts table
1 PJ = 6.2415064799632E+27 MeVpetajoules to megaelectronvoltspetajoules to megaelectronvolts table
1 pJ = 6.241506479963 MeVpicojoules to megaelectronvoltspicojoules to megaelectronvolts table
1 q unit = 6.5851382365734E+33 MeVQ units to megaelectronvoltsQ units to megaelectronvolts table
1 quad = 6.5851382365734E+30 MeVquads to megaelectronvoltsquads to megaelectronvolts table
1 TeV = 1000000 MeVteraelectronvolts to megaelectronvoltsteraelectronvolts to megaelectronvolts table
1 TJ = 6.2415064799632E+24 MeVterajoules to megaelectronvoltsterajoules to megaelectronvolts table
1 TWh = 2.2469423327868E+28 MeVterawatthours to megaelectronvoltsterawatthours to megaelectronvolts table
1 th = 2.612569782383E+19 MeVthermies to megaelectronvoltsthermies to megaelectronvolts table
1 th = 6.5851388607241E+20 MeVtherms to megaelectronvoltstherms to megaelectronvolts table
1 TCE = 1.8292357531217E+23 MeVtonnes of coal equivalent to megaelectronvoltstonnes of coal equivalent to megaelectronvolts table
1 TOE = 2.613193933031E+23 MeVtonnes of oil equivalent to megaelectronvoltstonnes of oil equivalent to megaelectronvolts table
1 texplosive = 2.6114463112166E+22 MeVtons [explosive] to megaelectronvoltstons [explosive] to megaelectronvolts table
1 Wh = 2.2469423327868E+16 MeVwatthours to megaelectronvoltswatthours to megaelectronvolts table
1 Ws = 6241506479963.2 MeVwattseconds to megaelectronvoltswattseconds to megaelectronvolts table

Energy Units


Btu [ BTU ]

Btu is the abbreviation of the British thermal unit. It is a traditional unit of energy equal to about 1055 joules.

Calorie [15 °C] [ cal15 ]

Calorie [ 15 °C] is a unit of energy that the amount of energy required to warm on gram of air-free water from 14.5 °C to 15.5 °C at standard atmospheric presure (1 cal [15°C] = 4.1855 J).

Calorie [I.T.] [ calit ]

Calorie is a pre-SI metric unit of energy, symbol "cal". Calorie [i.t.] is an International Stream Table calorie equal to 4.1868 joules.

Calorie [nutritional] [ calnutritional ]

Calorie [nutritional] is a unit of energy in food.

Calorie [thermochemical] [ calth ]

Calorie [thermochemical] is a unit of energy use in thermochemistry.

Dekatherm [ dath ]

Dakatherm is a unit of energy eqal 10 therms, symbol "dath".

Electronvolt [ eV ]

Electronvolts (symbol eV; also written electron volt) is a unit of energy equal to approximately 1.602×10.19 joule.

Erg [ erg ]

Erg is a unit of energy and mechanical work in the the centimetre-gram-second (CGS) system of units, symbol "erg".

Exajoule [ EJ ]

Exajoule is a unit of energy equal to 1.0E+18 joules, symbol "EJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "exa" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".

Femtojoule [ fJ ]

Femtojoule is a unit of energy equal to 1.0E-15 joules, symbol "fJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "femto" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".

Foot pound [ ft-lb ]

Foot-pound or foot-pound force is a unit of energy in the Engineering and Gravitational System in United States customy and imperial unit of measure.

Gigajoule [ GJ ]

Gigajoule is a unit of energy equal to 1.0E+9 joules, symbol "GJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "giga" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".

Gigawatt hour [ GWh ]

Gigawatt hour is a unit of energy equal to 1000 Megawatt hours, sysmbol "GWh". This unit comes form "giga" metric-prefix and "watt hour" unit of energy.

Gram calorie [ gcal ]

Gram calorie or small calorie (symbol: cal) approximates the energy needed to increase the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 °C. This is about 4.2 joules.

Hartree [ Eh ]

The hartree is the atomic unit of energy, symbol (Eh or Ha).

Horsepower hour [ hph ]

Horsepower-hour (hph) is an outdated unit of energy, not used in the SI system of units.

Inch ounce [ in-oz ]

Inch ounce is a unit of energy equal to about 0.007061552 joule, symbol "in-oz".

Inch pound [ in-lb ]

Inch pound is a unit of energy equal to about 0.112984829 joules, symbol "in-lb".

Joule [ J ]

Joule is a derived unit of energy or work in the International System of Units, symbol "J".

Kilogram calorie [ Kgcal ]

kilogram calorie, dietary calorie, or food calorie (symbol: Cal) approximates the energy needed to increase the temperature of 1 kilogram of water by 1 °C. This is exactly 1,000 small calories or about 4.2 kilojoules.

Kilojoule [ kJ ]

Kilojoule is a unit of energy equal to 1000 joules, symbol "kJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "kilo" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".

Kilowatt hour [ kWh ]

The kilowatt-hour (symbolized kWh) is a unit of energy equivalent to one kilowatt (1 kW) of power expended for one hour (1 h) of time.

Liter atmosphere [ l-atm ]

Liter atmosphere is a unit of energy, symbole "l-atm", equal to 101.32500 joules.

Megaelectronvolt [ MeV ]

Megaelectronvolt is a unit or energy equal 1 000 000 electronvolts, symbol "MeV".

Megajoule [ MJ ]

Megajoule is a unit of energy equal to 1 000 000 joules, symbol "MJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "mega" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".

Megawatthour [ MWh ]

Megawatthours is unit of energy equal to 1 000 kilowatt hours, symbol "MWh".

Microjoule [ µJ ]

Microjoule is a unit of energy equal to 1/1 000 000 joule, symbol "µJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "micro" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".

Millijoule [ mJ ]

Millijoule is a unit of energy equal to 1/1 000 joule, symbol "mJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "milli" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".

Nanojoule [ nJ ]

Nanojoule is a unit of energy equal to 1/1 000 000 000 joule, symbol "nJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "nano" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".

Newton meter [ Nm ]

A newton metre is a unit of torque (also called "moment") in the SI system. The symbolic form is Nm or N·m. One newton metre is equal to the torque resulting from a force of one newton applied perpendicularly to a moment arm which is one metre long.

Petajoule [ PJ ]

Petajoule is a unit of energy equal to 1.0E+15 joules, symbol "PJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "peta" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".

Picojoule [ pJ ]

Picojoule is a unit of energy equal to 1/1 000 000 000 000 joule, symbol "pJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "pico" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".

Q unit [ q unit ]

Q units is a measure of energy system.

Quad [ quad ]

A quad is a unit of energy equal to 1015 (a short-scale quadrillion) BTU,or 1.055 × 1018 joules (1.055 exajoules or EJ) in SI units.

Teraelectronvolt [ TeV ]

Teraelectronvolt is a unit of energy equal to 1012 electronvolts, symbol "TeV". This unit comes form a combination of metrix-prefix "tera" and "electronvolt".

Terajoule [ TJ ]

Terajoule is a unit of energy equal to 1.0E+12 joules, symbol "TJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "tera" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".

Terawatthour [ TWh ]

Terawatthours is a unit of energy equal to 1000 Gigawatt hours, symbol "TWh". This unit comes from a combination fo metric-prefix "tera" and "watt hour" unit of energy.

Thermie [ th ]

Thermie (th) is a metric unit of heat energy, part of the meter-tonne-second system sometimes used by European engineers.

Therm [ th ]

The therm (symbol th) is a non-SI unit of heat energy equal to 100,000 British thermal units (BTU).

Tonne of coal equivalent [ TCE ]

Tonne of coal equivalent or ton of coal equivalent (TCE) is, unit of energy, a conventional value of 7 Gcal (IT) = 29.3076 GJ.

Tonne of oil equivalent [ TOE ]

A ton of oil equivalent (TOE) is, unit of energy, a conventional value, based on the amount of energy released by burning one tonne of crude oil, of 41.868 GJ, 11.63 MWh, 1.28 TCE, 39.68 million BTU, or 6.6 - 8.0 actual barrels of oil (depending on actual

Ton [explosive] [ texplosive ]

Ton [explosive] is a measure of energy.

Watthour [ Wh ]

Watthour (symbolized Wh) is a unit of energy equivalent to one watt (1 W) of power expended for one hour (1 h) of time.

Wattsecond [ Ws ]

Wattsecon (symbolized Ws) is a unit of energy equivalent to one watt (1 W) of power expended for one second (1 s) of time.