Kilowatt hour

The kilowatt-hour (symbolized kWh) is a unit of energy equivalent to one kilowatt (1 kW) of power expended for one hour (1 h) of time. Plural name is kilowatt hours.

Conversion Tool

Sample Energy Conversion

10 foot pound to inch pounds, the result is 120 inch pounds
10 inch pound to newton meters, the result is 1.12984825 newton meters
10 newton meter to foot pounds, the result is 7.375621755694 foot pounds
10 inch pound to foot pounds, the result is 0.8333 foot pounds
10 foot pound to newton meters, the result is 13.558179 newton meters
10 liter atmosphere to joules, the result is 1013.25 joules
10 inch pound to inch ounces, the result is 159.99999461875 inch ounces
10 newton meter to inch pounds, the result is 88.507461068334 inch pounds
10 newton meter to horsepower hours, the result is 3.725061E-6 horsepower hours
10 joule to newton meters, the result is 10 newton meters

Table Conversion and Table Chart

Kilowatt hour to Other Units

Kilowatt hour can convert to other units, such as Btu, calorie [15 °C], calorie [I.T.], Calorie [nutritional], calorie [thermochemical], dekatherm, electronvolt, erg, exajoule, femtojoule, foot pound, gigajoule, gigawatt hour, gram calorie, hartree, horsepower hour, inch ounce, inch pound, joule, kilogram calorie, kilojoule, liter atmosphere, megaelectronvolt, megajoule, megawatthour, microjoule, millijoule, nanojoule, newton meter, petajoule, picojoule, Q unit, quad, teraelectronvolt, terajoule, terawatthour, thermie, therm , tonne of coal equivalent, tonne of oil equivalent, ton [explosive], watthour, wattsecond and more. You can find the reference table below:

Unit to Other Unit Energy Conversion Energy Table
1 kWh = 3412.1414798969 BTUkilowatt hours to Btuskilowatt hours to Btus table
1 kWh = 860050.64742702 cal15kilowatt hours to calories [15 °C]kilowatt hours to calories [15 °C] table
1 kWh = 859845.22785899 calitkilowatt hours to calories [I.T.]kilowatt hours to calories [I.T.] table
1 kWh = 859.84522785899 calnutritionalkilowatt hours to Calories [nutritional]kilowatt hours to Calories [nutritional] table
1 kWh = 860420.6500956 calthkilowatt hours to calories [thermochemical]kilowatt hours to calories [thermochemical] table
1 kWh = 0.0034 dathkilowatt hours to dekathermskilowatt hours to dekatherms table
1 kWh = 2.2469423327868E+25 eVkilowatt hours to electronvoltskilowatt hours to electronvolts table
1 kWh = 36000000000000 ergkilowatt hours to ergskilowatt hours to ergs table
1 kWh = 4.0E-12 EJkilowatt hours to exajouleskilowatt hours to exajoules table
1 kWh = 3.6E+21 fJkilowatt hours to femtojouleskilowatt hours to femtojoules table
1 kWh = 2655223.83205 ft-lbkilowatt hours to foot poundskilowatt hours to foot pounds table
1 kWh = 0.0036 GJkilowatt hours to gigajouleskilowatt hours to gigajoules table
1 kWh = 1.0E-6 GWhkilowatt hours to gigawatt hourskilowatt hours to gigawatt hours table
1 kWh = 860050.64742702 gcalkilowatt hours to gram calorieskilowatt hours to gram calories table
1 kWh = 8.2573576152861E+23 Ehkilowatt hours to hartreeskilowatt hours to hartrees table
1 kWh = 1.341022108426 hphkilowatt hours to horsepower hourskilowatt hours to horsepower hours table
1 kWh = 509802958.60748 in-ozkilowatt hours to inch ounceskilowatt hours to inch ounces table
1 kWh = 31862685.9846 in-lbkilowatt hours to inch poundskilowatt hours to inch pounds table
1 kWh = 3600000 Jkilowatt hours to jouleskilowatt hours to joules table
1 kWh = 860.05064742701 Kgcalkilowatt hours to kilogram calorieskilowatt hours to kilogram calories table
1 kWh = 3600 kJkilowatt hours to kilojouleskilowatt hours to kilojoules table
1 kWh = 35529.237601776 l-atmkilowatt hours to liter atmosphereskilowatt hours to liter atmospheres table
1 kWh = 2.2469423327868E+19 MeVkilowatt hours to megaelectronvoltskilowatt hours to megaelectronvolts table
1 kWh = 3.6 MJkilowatt hours to megajouleskilowatt hours to megajoules table
1 kWh = 0.001 MWhkilowatt hours to megawatthourskilowatt hours to megawatthours table
1 kWh = 3600000000000 µJkilowatt hours to microjouleskilowatt hours to microjoules table
1 kWh = 3600000000 mJkilowatt hours to millijouleskilowatt hours to millijoules table
1 kWh = 3.6E+15 nJkilowatt hours to nanojouleskilowatt hours to nanojoules table
1 kWh = 3600000 Nmkilowatt hours to newton meterskilowatt hours to newton meters table
1 kWh = 3.6E-9 PJkilowatt hours to petajouleskilowatt hours to petajoules table
1 kWh = 3.6E+18 pJkilowatt hours to picojouleskilowatt hours to picojoules table
1 kWh = 3.4121414798969E-15 q unitkilowatt hours to Q unitskilowatt hours to Q units table
1 kWh = 3.0E-12 quadkilowatt hours to quadskilowatt hours to quads table
1 kWh = 22469423327868 TeVkilowatt hours to teraelectronvoltskilowatt hours to teraelectronvolts table
1 kWh = 3.6E-6 TJkilowatt hours to terajouleskilowatt hours to terajoules table
1 kWh = 1.0E-9 TWhkilowatt hours to terawatthourskilowatt hours to terawatthours table
1 kWh = 0.8601 thkilowatt hours to thermieskilowatt hours to thermies table
1 kWh = 0.0341 thkilowatt hours to thermskilowatt hours to therms table
1 kWh = 0.0001 TCEkilowatt hours to tonnes of coal equivalentkilowatt hours to tonnes of coal equivalent table
1 kWh = 0.0001 TOEkilowatt hours to tonnes of oil equivalentkilowatt hours to tonnes of oil equivalent table
1 kWh = 0.0009 texplosivekilowatt hours to tons [explosive]kilowatt hours to tons [explosive] table
1 kWh = 1000 Whkilowatt hours to watthourskilowatt hours to watthours table
1 kWh = 3600000 Wskilowatt hours to wattsecondskilowatt hours to wattseconds table

Other Units to Kilowatt hour

Kilowatt hour also canvert from other unit such as Btu, calorie [15 °C], calorie [I.T.], Calorie [nutritional], calorie [thermochemical], dekatherm, electronvolt, erg, exajoule, femtojoule, foot pound, gigajoule, gigawatt hour, gram calorie, hartree, horsepower hour, inch ounce, inch pound, joule, kilogram calorie, kilojoule, liter atmosphere, megaelectronvolt, megajoule, megawatthour, microjoule, millijoule, nanojoule, newton meter, petajoule, picojoule, Q unit, quad, teraelectronvolt, terajoule, terawatthour, thermie, therm , tonne of coal equivalent, tonne of oil equivalent, ton [explosive], watthour, wattsecond and more. You can find the reference table below:

Unit to Other Unit Energy Conversion Energy Table
1 BTU = 0.0003 kWhBtus to kilowatt hoursBtus to kilowatt hours table
1 cal15 = 1.162722E-6 kWhcalories [15 °C] to kilowatt hourscalories [15 °C] to kilowatt hours table
1 calit = 1.163E-6 kWhcalories [I.T.] to kilowatt hourscalories [I.T.] to kilowatt hours table
1 calnutritional = 0.0012 kWhCalories [nutritional] to kilowatt hoursCalories [nutritional] to kilowatt hours table
1 calth = 1.162222E-6 kWhcalories [thermochemical] to kilowatt hourscalories [thermochemical] to kilowatt hours table
1 dath = 293.07138888889 kWhdekatherms to kilowatt hoursdekatherms to kilowatt hours table
1 eV = 4.4504925E-26 kWhelectronvolts to kilowatt hourselectronvolts to kilowatt hours table
1 erg = 2.7777777777778E-14 kWhergs to kilowatt hoursergs to kilowatt hours table
1 EJ = 277777777777.78 kWhexajoules to kilowatt hoursexajoules to kilowatt hours table
1 fJ = 2.7777777777778E-22 kWhfemtojoules to kilowatt hoursfemtojoules to kilowatt hours table
1 ft-lb = 3.76616E-7 kWhfoot pounds to kilowatt hoursfoot pounds to kilowatt hours table
1 GJ = 277.77777777778 kWhgigajoules to kilowatt hoursgigajoules to kilowatt hours table
1 GWh = 1000000 kWhgigawatt hours to kilowatt hoursgigawatt hours to kilowatt hours table
1 gcal = 1.162722E-6 kWhgram calories to kilowatt hoursgram calories to kilowatt hours table
1 Eh = 1.2110411666667E-24 kWhhartrees to kilowatt hourshartrees to kilowatt hours table
1 hph = 0.7457 kWhhorsepower hours to kilowatt hourshorsepower hours to kilowatt hours table
1 in-oz = 1.962E-9 kWhinch ounces to kilowatt hoursinch ounces to kilowatt hours table
1 in-lb = 3.1385E-8 kWhinch pounds to kilowatt hoursinch pounds to kilowatt hours table
1 J = 2.77778E-7 kWhjoules to kilowatt hoursjoules to kilowatt hours table
1 Kgcal = 0.0012 kWhkilogram calories to kilowatt hourskilogram calories to kilowatt hours table
1 kJ = 0.0003 kWhkilojoules to kilowatt hourskilojoules to kilowatt hours table
1 l-atm = 2.8145833E-5 kWhliter atmospheres to kilowatt hoursliter atmospheres to kilowatt hours table
1 MeV = 4.4504925E-20 kWhmegaelectronvolts to kilowatt hoursmegaelectronvolts to kilowatt hours table
1 MJ = 0.2778 kWhmegajoules to kilowatt hoursmegajoules to kilowatt hours table
1 MWh = 1000 kWhmegawatthours to kilowatt hoursmegawatthours to kilowatt hours table
1 µJ = 2.7777777777778E-13 kWhmicrojoules to kilowatt hoursmicrojoules to kilowatt hours table
1 mJ = 2.78E-10 kWhmillijoules to kilowatt hoursmillijoules to kilowatt hours table
1 nJ = 2.7777777777778E-16 kWhnanojoules to kilowatt hoursnanojoules to kilowatt hours table
1 Nm = 2.77778E-7 kWhnewton meters to kilowatt hoursnewton meters to kilowatt hours table
1 PJ = 277777777.77778 kWhpetajoules to kilowatt hourspetajoules to kilowatt hours table
1 pJ = 2.7777777777778E-19 kWhpicojoules to kilowatt hourspicojoules to kilowatt hours table
1 q unit = 2.9307108333333E+14 kWhQ units to kilowatt hoursQ units to kilowatt hours table
1 quad = 293071083333.33 kWhquads to kilowatt hoursquads to kilowatt hours table
1 TeV = 4.4504925E-14 kWhteraelectronvolts to kilowatt hoursteraelectronvolts to kilowatt hours table
1 TJ = 277777.77777778 kWhterajoules to kilowatt hoursterajoules to kilowatt hours table
1 TWh = 1000000000 kWhterawatthours to kilowatt hoursterawatthours to kilowatt hours table
1 th = 1.162722222222 kWhthermies to kilowatt hoursthermies to kilowatt hours table
1 th = 29.307111111111 kWhtherms to kilowatt hourstherms to kilowatt hours table
1 TCE = 8141 kWhtonnes of coal equivalent to kilowatt hourstonnes of coal equivalent to kilowatt hours table
1 TOE = 11630 kWhtonnes of oil equivalent to kilowatt hourstonnes of oil equivalent to kilowatt hours table
1 texplosive = 1162.2222222222 kWhtons [explosive] to kilowatt hourstons [explosive] to kilowatt hours table
1 Wh = 0.001 kWhwatthours to kilowatt hourswatthours to kilowatt hours table
1 Ws = 2.77778E-7 kWhwattseconds to kilowatt hourswattseconds to kilowatt hours table

Energy Units


Btu [ BTU ]

Btu is the abbreviation of the British thermal unit. It is a traditional unit of energy equal to about 1055 joules.

Calorie [15 °C] [ cal15 ]

Calorie [ 15 °C] is a unit of energy that the amount of energy required to warm on gram of air-free water from 14.5 °C to 15.5 °C at standard atmospheric presure (1 cal [15°C] = 4.1855 J).

Calorie [I.T.] [ calit ]

Calorie is a pre-SI metric unit of energy, symbol "cal". Calorie [i.t.] is an International Stream Table calorie equal to 4.1868 joules.

Calorie [nutritional] [ calnutritional ]

Calorie [nutritional] is a unit of energy in food.

Calorie [thermochemical] [ calth ]

Calorie [thermochemical] is a unit of energy use in thermochemistry.

Dekatherm [ dath ]

Dakatherm is a unit of energy eqal 10 therms, symbol "dath".

Electronvolt [ eV ]

Electronvolts (symbol eV; also written electron volt) is a unit of energy equal to approximately 1.602×10.19 joule.

Erg [ erg ]

Erg is a unit of energy and mechanical work in the the centimetre-gram-second (CGS) system of units, symbol "erg".

Exajoule [ EJ ]

Exajoule is a unit of energy equal to 1.0E+18 joules, symbol "EJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "exa" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".

Femtojoule [ fJ ]

Femtojoule is a unit of energy equal to 1.0E-15 joules, symbol "fJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "femto" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".

Foot pound [ ft-lb ]

Foot-pound or foot-pound force is a unit of energy in the Engineering and Gravitational System in United States customy and imperial unit of measure.

Gigajoule [ GJ ]

Gigajoule is a unit of energy equal to 1.0E+9 joules, symbol "GJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "giga" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".

Gigawatt hour [ GWh ]

Gigawatt hour is a unit of energy equal to 1000 Megawatt hours, sysmbol "GWh". This unit comes form "giga" metric-prefix and "watt hour" unit of energy.

Gram calorie [ gcal ]

Gram calorie or small calorie (symbol: cal) approximates the energy needed to increase the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 °C. This is about 4.2 joules.

Hartree [ Eh ]

The hartree is the atomic unit of energy, symbol (Eh or Ha).

Horsepower hour [ hph ]

Horsepower-hour (hph) is an outdated unit of energy, not used in the SI system of units.

Inch ounce [ in-oz ]

Inch ounce is a unit of energy equal to about 0.007061552 joule, symbol "in-oz".

Inch pound [ in-lb ]

Inch pound is a unit of energy equal to about 0.112984829 joules, symbol "in-lb".

Joule [ J ]

Joule is a derived unit of energy or work in the International System of Units, symbol "J".

Kilogram calorie [ Kgcal ]

kilogram calorie, dietary calorie, or food calorie (symbol: Cal) approximates the energy needed to increase the temperature of 1 kilogram of water by 1 °C. This is exactly 1,000 small calories or about 4.2 kilojoules.

Kilojoule [ kJ ]

Kilojoule is a unit of energy equal to 1000 joules, symbol "kJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "kilo" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".

Kilowatt hour [ kWh ]

The kilowatt-hour (symbolized kWh) is a unit of energy equivalent to one kilowatt (1 kW) of power expended for one hour (1 h) of time.

Liter atmosphere [ l-atm ]

Liter atmosphere is a unit of energy, symbole "l-atm", equal to 101.32500 joules.

Megaelectronvolt [ MeV ]

Megaelectronvolt is a unit or energy equal 1 000 000 electronvolts, symbol "MeV".

Megajoule [ MJ ]

Megajoule is a unit of energy equal to 1 000 000 joules, symbol "MJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "mega" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".

Megawatthour [ MWh ]

Megawatthours is unit of energy equal to 1 000 kilowatt hours, symbol "MWh".

Microjoule [ µJ ]

Microjoule is a unit of energy equal to 1/1 000 000 joule, symbol "µJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "micro" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".

Millijoule [ mJ ]

Millijoule is a unit of energy equal to 1/1 000 joule, symbol "mJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "milli" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".

Nanojoule [ nJ ]

Nanojoule is a unit of energy equal to 1/1 000 000 000 joule, symbol "nJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "nano" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".

Newton meter [ Nm ]

A newton metre is a unit of torque (also called "moment") in the SI system. The symbolic form is Nm or N·m. One newton metre is equal to the torque resulting from a force of one newton applied perpendicularly to a moment arm which is one metre long.

Petajoule [ PJ ]

Petajoule is a unit of energy equal to 1.0E+15 joules, symbol "PJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "peta" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".

Picojoule [ pJ ]

Picojoule is a unit of energy equal to 1/1 000 000 000 000 joule, symbol "pJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "pico" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".

Q unit [ q unit ]

Q units is a measure of energy system.

Quad [ quad ]

A quad is a unit of energy equal to 1015 (a short-scale quadrillion) BTU,or 1.055 × 1018 joules (1.055 exajoules or EJ) in SI units.

Teraelectronvolt [ TeV ]

Teraelectronvolt is a unit of energy equal to 1012 electronvolts, symbol "TeV". This unit comes form a combination of metrix-prefix "tera" and "electronvolt".

Terajoule [ TJ ]

Terajoule is a unit of energy equal to 1.0E+12 joules, symbol "TJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "tera" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".

Terawatthour [ TWh ]

Terawatthours is a unit of energy equal to 1000 Gigawatt hours, symbol "TWh". This unit comes from a combination fo metric-prefix "tera" and "watt hour" unit of energy.

Thermie [ th ]

Thermie (th) is a metric unit of heat energy, part of the meter-tonne-second system sometimes used by European engineers.

Therm [ th ]

The therm (symbol th) is a non-SI unit of heat energy equal to 100,000 British thermal units (BTU).

Tonne of coal equivalent [ TCE ]

Tonne of coal equivalent or ton of coal equivalent (TCE) is, unit of energy, a conventional value of 7 Gcal (IT) = 29.3076 GJ.

Tonne of oil equivalent [ TOE ]

A ton of oil equivalent (TOE) is, unit of energy, a conventional value, based on the amount of energy released by burning one tonne of crude oil, of 41.868 GJ, 11.63 MWh, 1.28 TCE, 39.68 million BTU, or 6.6 - 8.0 actual barrels of oil (depending on actual

Ton [explosive] [ texplosive ]

Ton [explosive] is a measure of energy.

Watthour [ Wh ]

Watthour (symbolized Wh) is a unit of energy equivalent to one watt (1 W) of power expended for one hour (1 h) of time.

Wattsecond [ Ws ]

Wattsecon (symbolized Ws) is a unit of energy equivalent to one watt (1 W) of power expended for one second (1 s) of time.