Horsepower hours to Kilojoules Conversion Calculator

1 horsepower hour = 2684.5195 kilojoules

Sample Energy Conversion

10 foot pound to inch pounds, the result is 120 inch pounds
10 inch pound to newton meters, the result is 1.12984825 newton meters
10 newton meter to foot pounds, the result is 7.375621755694 foot pounds
10 inch pound to foot pounds, the result is 0.8333 foot pounds
10 foot pound to newton meters, the result is 13.558179 newton meters
10 liter atmosphere to joules, the result is 1013.25 joules
10 inch pound to inch ounces, the result is 159.99999461875 inch ounces
10 newton meter to inch pounds, the result is 88.507461068334 inch pounds
10 newton meter to horsepower hours, the result is 3.725061E-6 horsepower hours
10 joule to newton meters, the result is 10 newton meters

Table Conversion

With the following tool, you can generate and print the horsepower hours to kilojoules reference table based on your own needs. You can find a dynamic tool at horsepower hours to kilojoules table chart (hph to kJ) or kilojoules to horsepower hours table chart (kJ to hph).

1= 2684.5195
2= 5369.039
3= 8053.5585
4= 10738.078
5= 13422.5975
6= 16107.117
7= 18791.6365
8= 21476.156
9= 24160.6755
10= 26845.195
11= 29529.7145
12= 32214.234
13= 34898.7535
14= 37583.273
15= 40267.7925
16= 42952.312
17= 45636.8315
18= 48321.351
19= 51005.8705
20= 53690.39
21= 56374.9095
22= 59059.429
23= 61743.9485
24= 64428.468
25= 67112.9875
1= 0.0004
2= 0.0007
3= 0.0011
4= 0.0015
5= 0.0019
6= 0.0022
7= 0.0026
8= 0.003
9= 0.0034
10= 0.0037
11= 0.0041
12= 0.0045
13= 0.0048
14= 0.0052
15= 0.0056
16= 0.006
17= 0.0063
18= 0.0067
19= 0.0071
20= 0.0075
21= 0.0078
22= 0.0082
23= 0.0086
24= 0.0089
25= 0.0093

Unit Information

Horsepower-hour (hph) is an outdated unit of energy, not used in the SI system of units.

1 hph = 2544.4334276506 BTUhorsepower hours to Btus converterhorsepower hours to Btus table
1 hph = 641339.64833485 cal15horsepower hours to calories [15 °C] converterhorsepower hours to calories [15 °C] table
1 hph = 641186.4669915 calithorsepower hours to calories [I.T.] converterhorsepower hours to calories [I.T.] table
1 hph = 641.1864669915 calnutritionalhorsepower hours to Calories [nutritional] converterhorsepower hours to Calories [nutritional] table
1 hph = 641615.55927342 calthhorsepower hours to calories [thermochemical] converterhorsepower hours to calories [thermochemical] table
1 hph = 0.0025 dathhorsepower hours to dekatherms converterhorsepower hours to dekatherms table
1 hph = 1.6755445854838E+25 eVhorsepower hours to electronvolts converterhorsepower hours to electronvolts table
1 hph = 26845195000000 erghorsepower hours to ergs converterhorsepower hours to ergs table
1 hph = 3.0E-12 EJhorsepower hours to exajoules converterhorsepower hours to exajoules table
1 hph = 2.6845195E+21 fJhorsepower hours to femtojoules converterhorsepower hours to femtojoules table
1 hph = 1980000.0427786 ft-lbhorsepower hours to foot pounds converterhorsepower hours to foot pounds table
1 hph = 0.0027 GJhorsepower hours to gigajoules converterhorsepower hours to gigajoules table
1 hph = 7.457E-7 GWhhorsepower hours to gigawatt hours converterhorsepower hours to gigawatt hours table
1 hph = 641339.64833485 gcalhorsepower hours to gram calories converterhorsepower hours to gram calories table
1 hph = 6.1575104268636E+23 Ehhorsepower hours to hartrees converterhorsepower hours to hartrees table
1 hph = 380159995.42763 in-ozhorsepower hours to inch ounces converterhorsepower hours to inch ounces table
1 hph = 23760000.513343 in-lbhorsepower hours to inch pounds converterhorsepower hours to inch pounds table
1 hph = 2684519.5 Jhorsepower hours to joules converterhorsepower hours to joules table
1 hph = 641.33964833485 Kgcalhorsepower hours to kilogram calories converterhorsepower hours to kilogram calories table
1 hph = 2684.5195 kJhorsepower hours to kilojoules converterhorsepower hours to kilojoules table
1 hph = 0.7457 kWhhorsepower hours to kilowatt hours converterhorsepower hours to kilowatt hours table
1 hph = 26494.147545028 l-atmhorsepower hours to liter atmospheres converterhorsepower hours to liter atmospheres table
1 hph = 1.6755445854838E+19 MeVhorsepower hours to megaelectronvolts converterhorsepower hours to megaelectronvolts table
1 hph = 2.6845195 MJhorsepower hours to megajoules converterhorsepower hours to megajoules table
1 hph = 0.0007 MWhhorsepower hours to megawatthours converterhorsepower hours to megawatthours table
1 hph = 2684519500000 µJhorsepower hours to microjoules converterhorsepower hours to microjoules table
1 hph = 2684519500 mJhorsepower hours to millijoules converterhorsepower hours to millijoules table
1 hph = 2.6845195E+15 nJhorsepower hours to nanojoules converterhorsepower hours to nanojoules table
1 hph = 2684519.5 Nmhorsepower hours to newton meters converterhorsepower hours to newton meters table
1 hph = 2.685E-9 PJhorsepower hours to petajoules converterhorsepower hours to petajoules table
1 hph = 2.6845195E+18 pJhorsepower hours to picojoules converterhorsepower hours to picojoules table
1 hph = 2.5444334276506E-15 q unithorsepower hours to Q units converterhorsepower hours to Q units table
1 hph = 3.0E-12 quadhorsepower hours to quads converterhorsepower hours to quads table
1 hph = 16755445854838 TeVhorsepower hours to teraelectronvolts converterhorsepower hours to teraelectronvolts table
1 hph = 2.68452E-6 TJhorsepower hours to terajoules converterhorsepower hours to terajoules table
1 hph = 7.46E-10 TWhhorsepower hours to terawatthours converterhorsepower hours to terawatthours table
1 hph = 0.6413 thhorsepower hours to thermies converterhorsepower hours to thermies table
1 hph = 0.0254 thhorsepower hours to therms converterhorsepower hours to therms table
1 hph = 0.0001 TCEhorsepower hours to tonnes of coal equivalent converterhorsepower hours to tonnes of coal equivalent table
1 hph = 0.0001 TOEhorsepower hours to tonnes of oil equivalent converterhorsepower hours to tonnes of oil equivalent table
1 hph = 0.0006 texplosivehorsepower hours to tons [explosive] converterhorsepower hours to tons [explosive] table
1 hph = 745.69986111111 Whhorsepower hours to watthours converterhorsepower hours to watthours table
1 hph = 2684519.5 Wshorsepower hours to wattseconds converterhorsepower hours to wattseconds table

Kilojoule is a unit of energy equal to 1000 joules, symbol "kJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "kilo" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".

1 kJ = 0.9478 BTUkilojoules to Btus converterkilojoules to Btus table
1 kJ = 238.90295761862 cal15kilojoules to calories [15 °C] converterkilojoules to calories [15 °C] table
1 kJ = 238.8458966275 calitkilojoules to calories [I.T.] converterkilojoules to calories [I.T.] table
1 kJ = 0.2388 calnutritionalkilojoules to Calories [nutritional] converterkilojoules to Calories [nutritional] table
1 kJ = 239.00573613767 calthkilojoules to calories [thermochemical] converterkilojoules to calories [thermochemical] table
1 kJ = 9.47816E-7 dathkilojoules to dekatherms converterkilojoules to dekatherms table
1 kJ = 6.2415064799632E+21 eVkilojoules to electronvolts converterkilojoules to electronvolts table
1 kJ = 10000000000 ergkilojoules to ergs converterkilojoules to ergs table
1 kJ = 1.0E-15 EJkilojoules to exajoules converterkilojoules to exajoules table
1 kJ = 1.0E+18 fJkilojoules to femtojoules converterkilojoules to femtojoules table
1 kJ = 737.56217556945 ft-lbkilojoules to foot pounds converterkilojoules to foot pounds table
1 kJ = 1.0E-6 GJkilojoules to gigajoules converterkilojoules to gigajoules table
1 kJ = 2.78E-10 GWhkilojoules to gigawatt hours converterkilojoules to gigawatt hours table
1 kJ = 238.90295761862 gcalkilojoules to gram calories converterkilojoules to gram calories table
1 kJ = 2.2937104486906E+20 Ehkilojoules to hartrees converterkilojoules to hartrees table
1 kJ = 0.0004 hphkilojoules to horsepower hours converterkilojoules to horsepower hours table
1 kJ = 141611.93294652 in-ozkilojoules to inch ounces converterkilojoules to inch ounces table
1 kJ = 8850.7461068334 in-lbkilojoules to inch pounds converterkilojoules to inch pounds table
1 kJ = 1000 Jkilojoules to joules converterkilojoules to joules table
1 kJ = 0.2389 Kgcalkilojoules to kilogram calories converterkilojoules to kilogram calories table
1 kJ = 0.0003 kWhkilojoules to kilowatt hours converterkilojoules to kilowatt hours table
1 kJ = 9.86923266716 l-atmkilojoules to liter atmospheres converterkilojoules to liter atmospheres table
1 kJ = 6.2415064799632E+15 MeVkilojoules to megaelectronvolts converterkilojoules to megaelectronvolts table
1 kJ = 0.001 MJkilojoules to megajoules converterkilojoules to megajoules table
1 kJ = 2.77778E-7 MWhkilojoules to megawatthours converterkilojoules to megawatthours table
1 kJ = 1000000000 µJkilojoules to microjoules converterkilojoules to microjoules table
1 kJ = 1000000 mJkilojoules to millijoules converterkilojoules to millijoules table
1 kJ = 1000000000000 nJkilojoules to nanojoules converterkilojoules to nanojoules table
1 kJ = 1000 Nmkilojoules to newton meters converterkilojoules to newton meters table
1 kJ = 1.0E-12 PJkilojoules to petajoules converterkilojoules to petajoules table
1 kJ = 1.0E+15 pJkilojoules to picojoules converterkilojoules to picojoules table
1 kJ = 9.4781707774915E-19 q unitkilojoules to Q units converterkilojoules to Q units table
1 kJ = 9.4781707774915E-16 quadkilojoules to quads converterkilojoules to quads table
1 kJ = 6241506479.9632 TeVkilojoules to teraelectronvolts converterkilojoules to teraelectronvolts table
1 kJ = 1.0E-9 TJkilojoules to terajoules converterkilojoules to terajoules table
1 kJ = 2.7777777777778E-13 TWhkilojoules to terawatthours converterkilojoules to terawatthours table
1 kJ = 0.0002 thkilojoules to thermies converterkilojoules to thermies table
1 kJ = 9.47817E-6 thkilojoules to therms converterkilojoules to therms table
1 kJ = 3.4121E-8 TCEkilojoules to tonnes of coal equivalent converterkilojoules to tonnes of coal equivalent table
1 kJ = 2.3885E-8 TOEkilojoules to tonnes of oil equivalent converterkilojoules to tonnes of oil equivalent table
1 kJ = 2.39006E-7 texplosivekilojoules to tons [explosive] converterkilojoules to tons [explosive] table
1 kJ = 0.2778 Whkilojoules to watthours converterkilojoules to watthours table
1 kJ = 1000 Wskilojoules to wattseconds converterkilojoules to wattseconds table

Energy Units



Btu is the abbreviation of the British thermal unit. It is a traditional unit of energy equal to about 1055 joules.

Calorie [15 °C]

Calorie [ 15 °C] is a unit of energy that the amount of energy required to warm on gram of air-free water from 14.5 °C to 15.5 °C at standard atmospheric presure (1 cal [15°C] = 4.1855 J).

Calorie [I.T.]

Calorie is a pre-SI metric unit of energy, symbol "cal". Calorie [i.t.] is an International Stream Table calorie equal to 4.1868 joules.

Calorie [nutritional]

Calorie [nutritional] is a unit of energy in food.

Calorie [thermochemical]

Calorie [thermochemical] is a unit of energy use in thermochemistry.


Dakatherm is a unit of energy eqal 10 therms, symbol "dath".


Electronvolts (symbol eV; also written electron volt) is a unit of energy equal to approximately 1.602×10.19 joule.


Erg is a unit of energy and mechanical work in the the centimetre-gram-second (CGS) system of units, symbol "erg".


Exajoule is a unit of energy equal to 1.0E+18 joules, symbol "EJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "exa" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".


Femtojoule is a unit of energy equal to 1.0E-15 joules, symbol "fJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "femto" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".

Foot pound

Foot-pound or foot-pound force is a unit of energy in the Engineering and Gravitational System in United States customy and imperial unit of measure.


Gigajoule is a unit of energy equal to 1.0E+9 joules, symbol "GJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "giga" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".

Gigawatt hour

Gigawatt hour is a unit of energy equal to 1000 Megawatt hours, sysmbol "GWh". This unit comes form "giga" metric-prefix and "watt hour" unit of energy.

Gram calorie

Gram calorie or small calorie (symbol: cal) approximates the energy needed to increase the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 °C. This is about 4.2 joules.


The hartree is the atomic unit of energy, symbol (Eh or Ha).

Horsepower hour

Horsepower-hour (hph) is an outdated unit of energy, not used in the SI system of units.

Inch ounce

Inch ounce is a unit of energy equal to about 0.007061552 joule, symbol "in-oz".

Inch pound

Inch pound is a unit of energy equal to about 0.112984829 joules, symbol "in-lb".


Joule is a derived unit of energy or work in the International System of Units, symbol "J".

Kilogram calorie

kilogram calorie, dietary calorie, or food calorie (symbol: Cal) approximates the energy needed to increase the temperature of 1 kilogram of water by 1 °C. This is exactly 1,000 small calories or about 4.2 kilojoules.


Kilojoule is a unit of energy equal to 1000 joules, symbol "kJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "kilo" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".

Kilowatt hour

The kilowatt-hour (symbolized kWh) is a unit of energy equivalent to one kilowatt (1 kW) of power expended for one hour (1 h) of time.

Liter atmosphere

Liter atmosphere is a unit of energy, symbole "l-atm", equal to 101.32500 joules.


Megaelectronvolt is a unit or energy equal 1 000 000 electronvolts, symbol "MeV".


Megajoule is a unit of energy equal to 1 000 000 joules, symbol "MJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "mega" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".


Megawatthours is unit of energy equal to 1 000 kilowatt hours, symbol "MWh".


Microjoule is a unit of energy equal to 1/1 000 000 joule, symbol "µJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "micro" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".


Millijoule is a unit of energy equal to 1/1 000 joule, symbol "mJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "milli" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".


Nanojoule is a unit of energy equal to 1/1 000 000 000 joule, symbol "nJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "nano" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".

Newton meter

A newton metre is a unit of torque (also called "moment") in the SI system. The symbolic form is Nm or N·m. One newton metre is equal to the torque resulting from a force of one newton applied perpendicularly to a moment arm which is one metre long.


Petajoule is a unit of energy equal to 1.0E+15 joules, symbol "PJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "peta" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".


Picojoule is a unit of energy equal to 1/1 000 000 000 000 joule, symbol "pJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "pico" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".

Q unit

Q units is a measure of energy system.


A quad is a unit of energy equal to 1015 (a short-scale quadrillion) BTU,or 1.055 × 1018 joules (1.055 exajoules or EJ) in SI units.


Teraelectronvolt is a unit of energy equal to 1012 electronvolts, symbol "TeV". This unit comes form a combination of metrix-prefix "tera" and "electronvolt".


Terajoule is a unit of energy equal to 1.0E+12 joules, symbol "TJ". This unit comes from a combination of metric-prefix "tera" and SI derived unit of energy "joule".


Terawatthours is a unit of energy equal to 1000 Gigawatt hours, symbol "TWh". This unit comes from a combination fo metric-prefix "tera" and "watt hour" unit of energy.


Thermie (th) is a metric unit of heat energy, part of the meter-tonne-second system sometimes used by European engineers.


The therm (symbol th) is a non-SI unit of heat energy equal to 100,000 British thermal units (BTU).

Tonne of coal equivalent

Tonne of coal equivalent or ton of coal equivalent (TCE) is, unit of energy, a conventional value of 7 Gcal (IT) = 29.3076 GJ.

Tonne of oil equivalent

A ton of oil equivalent (TOE) is, unit of energy, a conventional value, based on the amount of energy released by burning one tonne of crude oil, of 41.868 GJ, 11.63 MWh, 1.28 TCE, 39.68 million BTU, or 6.6 - 8.0 actual barrels of oil (depending on actual

Ton [explosive]

Ton [explosive] is a measure of energy.


Watthour (symbolized Wh) is a unit of energy equivalent to one watt (1 W) of power expended for one hour (1 h) of time.


Wattsecon (symbolized Ws) is a unit of energy equivalent to one watt (1 W) of power expended for one second (1 s) of time.