
Kelvin is a unit of measurement for temperature. It is one of the seven base units in the International System of Units (SI) and is assigned the unit symbol K. Plural name is kelvins.

Conversion Tool

Sample Temperature Conversion

10 Kelvin to celsius, the result is -263.15 celsius
10 Celsius to fahrenheits, the result is 50 fahrenheits
10 Celsius to kelvins, the result is 283.15 kelvins
10 Fahrenheit to celsius, the result is -12.222222222222 celsius
10 Rankine to celsius, the result is -267.59444444444 celsius
10 Fahrenheit to rankine, the result is 469.67 rankine
10 Celsius to newtons, the result is 3.3 newtons
10 Kelvin to rankine, the result is 18 rankine
10 Fahrenheit to rømers, the result is 1.0833333333333 rømers
10 Fahrenheit to kelvins, the result is 260.92777777778 kelvins

Table Conversion and Table Chart

Kelvin to Other Units

Kelvin can convert to other units, such as Celsius, Fahrenheit, Newton, Rankine, Réaumur, Rømer and more. You can find the reference table below:

Other Units to Kelvin

Kelvin also canvert from other unit such as Celsius, Fahrenheit, Newton, Rankine, Réaumur, Rømer and more. You can find the reference table below:

Unit to Other Unit Temperature Conversion Temperature Table
1 °C = 274.15 Kcelsius to kelvinscelsius to kelvins table
1 °F = 255.92777777778 Kfahrenheits to kelvinsfahrenheits to kelvins table
1 °N = 276.1803030303 Knewtons to kelvinsnewtons to kelvins table
1 °R = 0.55555555555556 Krankine to kelvinsrankine to kelvins table
1 °Ré = 274.4 Kréaumurs to kelvinsréaumurs to kelvins table
1 °Rø = 260.76904761905 Krømers to kelvinsrømers to kelvins table

Temperature Units


Celsius [ °C ]

Celsius is a scale and unit of measurement for temperature. The symbol for temperature values on this scale is °C.

Fahrenheit [ °F ]

Fahrenheit is the temperature scale. The Fahrenheit scale was the primary temperature standard for climatic, industrial and medical purposes in English-speaking countries.

Kelvin [ K ]

Kelvin is a unit of measurement for temperature. It is one of the seven base units in the International System of Units (SI) and is assigned the unit symbol K.

Newton [ °N ]

Newton scale is a temperature scale devised by Isaac Newton around 1700. The symbol of this unit is °N.

Rankine [ °R ]

Rankine is a unit of measurement for temperature. The symbol for degrees Rankine is °R.

Réaumur [ °Ré ]

Réaumur is the temperature scale in which the freezing and boiling points of water are set to 0 and 80 degrees respectively.

Rømer [ °Rø ]

Rømer is a temperature scale whit symbol °Rø. In this scale, the zero was initially set using freezing brine.