
Ounce-force is a unit of force and 1 ounce-force is about 0.278013851 newton. Plural name is ounce-forces.

Conversion Tool

Sample Force Conversion

10 kip to kilonewtons, the result is 44.482216 kilonewtons
10 kip to newtons, the result is 44482.216 newtons
10 kip to pound-forces, the result is 10000 pound-forces
10 newton to joules per meter, the result is 10 joules per meter
10 kilonewton to ton-forces (metric), the result is 1.019716212978 ton-forces (metric)
10 kilonewton to kips, the result is 2.24808943871 kips
10 ton-force (metric) to kilonewtons, the result is 98.0665 kilonewtons
10 kilonewton to joules per meter, the result is 10000 joules per meter
10 kip to ton-forces (long), the result is 4.464285714286 ton-forces (long)
10 kilonewton to kilogram-forces, the result is 1019.7162129779 kilogram-forces

Table Conversion and Table Chart

Ounce-force to Other Units

Ounce-force can convert to other units, such as centinewton, decinewton, dekanewton, dyne, exanewton, giganewton, gram-force, hectonewton, joule/meter, kilogram-force, kilonewton, kilopond, kip, meganewton, micronewton, millinewton, nanonewton, newton, petanewton, piconewton, pond, pound-force, poundal, sthene, teranewton, ton-force (long), ton-force (metric), ton-force (short) and more. You can find the reference table below:

Unit to Other Unit Force Conversion Force Table
1 ozf = 27.801385 cNounce-forces to centinewtonsounce-forces to centinewtons table
1 ozf = 2.7801385 dNounce-forces to decinewtonsounce-forces to decinewtons table
1 ozf = 0.0278 daNounce-forces to dekanewtonsounce-forces to dekanewtons table
1 ozf = 27801.385 dynounce-forces to dynesounce-forces to dynes table
1 ozf = 2.7801385E-19 ENounce-forces to exanewtonsounce-forces to exanewtons table
1 ozf = 2.78E-10 GNounce-forces to giganewtonsounce-forces to giganewtons table
1 ozf = 28.349523027741 gfounce-forces to gram-forcesounce-forces to gram-forces table
1 ozf = 0.0028 hNounce-forces to hectonewtonsounce-forces to hectonewtons table
1 ozf = 0.278 j/mounce-forces to joules per meterounce-forces to joules per meter table
1 ozf = 0.0283 kgfounce-forces to kilogram-forcesounce-forces to kilogram-forces table
1 ozf = 0.0003 kNounce-forces to kilonewtonsounce-forces to kilonewtons table
1 ozf = 0.0283 kpounce-forces to kilopondsounce-forces to kiloponds table
1 ozf = 0.0001 kipounce-forces to kipsounce-forces to kips table
1 ozf = 2.78014E-7 MNounce-forces to meganewtonsounce-forces to meganewtons table
1 ozf = 278013.85 µNounce-forces to micronewtonsounce-forces to micronewtons table
1 ozf = 278.01385 mNounce-forces to millinewtonsounce-forces to millinewtons table
1 ozf = 278013850 nNounce-forces to nanonewtonsounce-forces to nanonewtons table
1 ozf = 0.278 N ounce-forces to newtonsounce-forces to newtons table
1 ozf = 2.7801385E-16 PNounce-forces to petanewtonsounce-forces to petanewtons table
1 ozf = 278013850000 pNounce-forces to piconewtonsounce-forces to piconewtons table
1 ozf = 28.349523027741 p ounce-forces to pondsounce-forces to ponds table
1 ozf = 0.0625 lbfounce-forces to pound-forcesounce-forces to pound-forces table
1 ozf = 2.010878091526 pdlounce-forces to poundalsounce-forces to poundals table
1 ozf = 0.0003 snounce-forces to sthenesounce-forces to sthenes table
1 ozf = 2.7801385E-13 TNounce-forces to teranewtonsounce-forces to teranewtons table
1 ozf = 2.7901786E-5 tnf (UK)ounce-forces to ton-forces (long)ounce-forces to ton-forces (long) table
1 ozf = 2.8349523E-5 tfounce-forces to ton-forces (metric)ounce-forces to ton-forces (metric) table
1 ozf = 3.125E-5 tf (short)ounce-forces to ton-forces (short)ounce-forces to ton-forces (short) table

Other Units to Ounce-force

Ounce-force also canvert from other unit such as centinewton, decinewton, dekanewton, dyne, exanewton, giganewton, gram-force, hectonewton, joule/meter, kilogram-force, kilonewton, kilopond, kip, meganewton, micronewton, millinewton, nanonewton, newton, petanewton, piconewton, pond, pound-force, poundal, sthene, teranewton, ton-force (long), ton-force (metric), ton-force (short) and more. You can find the reference table below:

Unit to Other Unit Force Conversion Force Table
1 cN = 0.036 ozfcentinewtons to ounce-forcescentinewtons to ounce-forces table
1 dN = 0.3597 ozfdecinewtons to ounce-forcesdecinewtons to ounce-forces table
1 daN = 35.969431019354 ozfdekanewtons to ounce-forcesdekanewtons to ounce-forces table
1 dyn = 3.5969431E-5 ozfdynes to ounce-forcesdynes to ounce-forces table
1 EN = 3.5969431019354E+18 ozfexanewtons to ounce-forcesexanewtons to ounce-forces table
1 GN = 3596943101.9354 ozfgiganewtons to ounce-forcesgiganewtons to ounce-forces table
1 gf = 0.0353 ozfgram-forces to ounce-forcesgram-forces to ounce-forces table
1 hN = 359.69431019354 ozfhectonewtons to ounce-forceshectonewtons to ounce-forces table
1 j/m = 3.596943101935 ozfjoules per meter to ounce-forcesjoules per meter to ounce-forces table
1 kgf = 35.273962070595 ozfkilogram-forces to ounce-forceskilogram-forces to ounce-forces table
1 kN = 3596.9431019354 ozfkilonewtons to ounce-forceskilonewtons to ounce-forces table
1 kp = 35.273962070595 ozfkiloponds to ounce-forceskiloponds to ounce-forces table
1 kip = 16000 ozfkips to ounce-forceskips to ounce-forces table
1 MN = 3596943.1019354 ozfmeganewtons to ounce-forcesmeganewtons to ounce-forces table
1 µN = 3.596943E-6 ozfmicronewtons to ounce-forcesmicronewtons to ounce-forces table
1 mN = 0.0036 ozfmillinewtons to ounce-forcesmillinewtons to ounce-forces table
1 nN = 3.597E-9 ozfnanonewtons to ounce-forcesnanonewtons to ounce-forces table
1 N = 3.596943101935 ozfnewtons to ounce-forcesnewtons to ounce-forces table
1 PN = 3.5969431019354E+15 ozfpetanewtons to ounce-forcespetanewtons to ounce-forces table
1 pN = 4.0E-12 ozfpiconewtons to ounce-forcespiconewtons to ounce-forces table
1 p = 0.0353 ozfponds to ounce-forcesponds to ounce-forces table
1 lbf = 16 ozfpound-forces to ounce-forcespound-forces to ounce-forces table
1 pdl = 0.4973 ozfpoundals to ounce-forcespoundals to ounce-forces table
1 sn = 3596.9431019354 ozfsthenes to ounce-forcessthenes to ounce-forces table
1 TN = 3596943101935.4 ozfteranewtons to ounce-forcesteranewtons to ounce-forces table
1 tnf (UK) = 35840 ozfton-forces (long) to ounce-forceston-forces (long) to ounce-forces table
1 tf = 35273.962070595 ozfton-forces (metric) to ounce-forceston-forces (metric) to ounce-forces table
1 tf (short) = 32000 ozfton-forces (short) to ounce-forceston-forces (short) to ounce-forces table

Force Units


Centinewton [ cN ]

Centinewton is a unit of force equal to 1/100 newton and its symbol (cN). It comes from a combination of metrix-prefix "centi" with the SI derived unit of force "newton".

Decinewton [ dN ]

Decinewton is a unit of force equal to 1/10 newton and its symbol (dN). It comes from a combination of metrix-prefix "deci" with the SI derived unit of force "newton".

Dekanewton [ daN ]

Dekanewton is a unit of force equal to 10 newton and its symbol (daN). It comes from a combination of metrix-prefix "deka" with the SI derived unit of force "newton".

Dyne [ dyn ]

The dyne (symbol "dyn" ) is a unit of force specified in the centimetre-gram-second (CGS) system of units.

Exanewton [ EN ]

Exanewton is a unit of force equal to 1000000000000000000 (1E+18) newtons and its symbol (EN). It comes from a combination of metrix-prefix "exa" with the SI derived unit of force "newton".

Giganewton [ GN ]

Giganewton is a unit of force equal to 1 000 000 000 (1E+9) newtons and its symbol (GN). It comes from a combination of metrix-prefix "giga" with the SI derived unit of force "newton".

Gram-force [ gf ]

The gram-force is a unit of force, 1 gram-force = 0.00980665 newton.

Hectonewton [ hN ]

Hectonewton is a unit of force equal to 100 newtons and its symbol (hN). It comes from a combination of metrix-prefix "heto" with the SI derived unit of force "newton".

Joule/meter [ j/m ]

The joule per meter is a unit of force and equivalent to newton (1 joule per meter = 1 newton).

Kilogram-force [ kgf ]

The kilogram-force(kgf) is a gravitational metric unit of force. 1 kilogram-force = 9.80665 newtons.

Kilonewton [ kN ]

Kilonewton is a unit of force equal to 1 000 newtons and its symbol (kN). It comes from a combination of metrix-prefix "kilo" with the SI derived unit of force "newton".

Kilopond [ kp ]

The kilopond is a unit of force equal to 1000 ponds.

Kip [ kip ]

A kip is a non-SI unit of force equal to 1,000 pounds-force, used primarily by American architects and engineers to measure engineering loads.

Meganewton [ MN ]

Meganewton is a unit of force equal to 1 000 000 newtons and its symbol (MN). It comes from a combination of metrix-prefix "mega" with the SI derived unit of force "newton".

Micronewton [ µN ]

Micronewton is a unit of force equal to 1/1 000 000 newton and its symbol (µN). It comes from a combination of metrix-prefix "giga" with the SI derived unit of force "newton".

Millinewton [ mN ]

Millinewton is a unit of force equal to 1/1 000 newton and its symbol (mN). It comes from a combination of metrix-prefix "milli" with the SI derived unit of force "newton".

Nanonewton [ nN ]

Nanonewton is a unit of force equal to 1/1 000 000 000 newton and its symbol (nN). It comes from a combination of metrix-prefix "nano" with the SI derived unit of force "newton".

Newton [ N ]

Newton is the SI derived unit of force and it is equivalent to joule per meter (1 newton = 1 joule/meter).

Ounce-force [ ozf ]

Ounce-force is a unit of force and 1 ounce-force is about 0.278013851 newton.

Petanewton [ PN ]

Petanewton is a unit of force equal to 1 000 000 000 000 000 newtons and its symbol (PN). It's a combination of metrix-prefix "peta" with the SI derived unit of force "newton".

Piconewton [ pN ]

Piconewton is a unit of force equal to 1/1 000 000 000 000 newton and its symbol (pN). It comes from a combination of metrix-prefix "pico" with the SI derived unit of force "newton".

Pond [ p ]

The pond is a unit of force and 1 pond is equal to 0.00980665 newton.

Pound-force [ lbf ]

The pound-force is one of force units measurement and equal to the gravitational force exerted on a mass of one avoirdupois pound on the surface of Earth.

Poundal [ pdl ]

The poundal is a unit of force that is part of the foot-pound-second system of units with symbol "lpd" of system Imperial .

Sthene [ sn ]

The sthène is the unit of force in the metre-tonne-second system of units (mts).

Teranewton [ TN ]

Teranewton is a unit of force equal to 1 000 000 000 000 newtons and its symbol (TN). It comes from a combination of metrix-prefix "tera" with the SI derived unit of force "newton".

Ton-force (long) [ tnf (UK) ]

The ton-forces (long])is a unit of force. 1 newton = 0.000100361 ton-force (long).

Ton-force (metric) [ tf ]

The ton-forces (metric) is a unit of force. 1 newton = 0.000101972 fon-force (metric).

Ton-force (short) [ tf (short) ]

The ton-forces (short) is a unit of force. 1 ton-force (short) = 8896.4432 newtons.