
Newton is the SI derived unit of force and it is equivalent to joule per meter (1 newton = 1 joule/meter). Plural name is newtons.

Conversion Tool

Sample Force Conversion

10 kip to kilonewtons, the result is 44.482216 kilonewtons
10 kip to newtons, the result is 44482.216 newtons
10 kip to pound-forces, the result is 10000 pound-forces
10 newton to joules per meter, the result is 10 joules per meter
10 kilonewton to ton-forces (metric), the result is 1.019716212978 ton-forces (metric)
10 kilonewton to kips, the result is 2.24808943871 kips
10 ton-force (metric) to kilonewtons, the result is 98.0665 kilonewtons
10 kilonewton to joules per meter, the result is 10000 joules per meter
10 kip to ton-forces (long), the result is 4.464285714286 ton-forces (long)
10 kilonewton to kilogram-forces, the result is 1019.7162129779 kilogram-forces

Table Conversion and Table Chart

Newton to Other Units

Newton can convert to other units, such as centinewton, decinewton, dekanewton, dyne, exanewton, giganewton, gram-force, hectonewton, joule/meter, kilogram-force, kilonewton, kilopond, kip, meganewton, micronewton, millinewton, nanonewton, ounce-force, petanewton, piconewton, pond, pound-force, poundal, sthene, teranewton, ton-force (long), ton-force (metric), ton-force (short) and more. You can find the reference table below:

Unit to Other Unit Force Conversion Force Table
1 N = 100 cNnewtons to centinewtonsnewtons to centinewtons table
1 N = 10 dNnewtons to decinewtonsnewtons to decinewtons table
1 N = 0.1 daNnewtons to dekanewtonsnewtons to dekanewtons table
1 N = 100000 dynnewtons to dynesnewtons to dynes table
1 N = 1.0E-18 ENnewtons to exanewtonsnewtons to exanewtons table
1 N = 1.0E-9 GNnewtons to giganewtonsnewtons to giganewtons table
1 N = 101.97162129779 gfnewtons to gram-forcesnewtons to gram-forces table
1 N = 0.01 hNnewtons to hectonewtonsnewtons to hectonewtons table
1 N = 1 j/mnewtons to joules per meternewtons to joules per meter table
1 N = 0.102 kgfnewtons to kilogram-forcesnewtons to kilogram-forces table
1 N = 0.001 kNnewtons to kilonewtonsnewtons to kilonewtons table
1 N = 0.102 kpnewtons to kilopondsnewtons to kiloponds table
1 N = 0.0002 kipnewtons to kipsnewtons to kips table
1 N = 1.0E-6 MNnewtons to meganewtonsnewtons to meganewtons table
1 N = 1000000 µNnewtons to micronewtonsnewtons to micronewtons table
1 N = 1000 mNnewtons to millinewtonsnewtons to millinewtons table
1 N = 1000000000 nNnewtons to nanonewtonsnewtons to nanonewtons table
1 N = 3.596943101935 ozfnewtons to ounce-forcesnewtons to ounce-forces table
1 N = 1.0E-15 PNnewtons to petanewtonsnewtons to petanewtons table
1 N = 1000000000000 pNnewtons to piconewtonsnewtons to piconewtons table
1 N = 101.97162129779 p newtons to pondsnewtons to ponds table
1 N = 0.2248 lbfnewtons to pound-forcesnewtons to pound-forces table
1 N = 7.233014080147 pdlnewtons to poundalsnewtons to poundals table
1 N = 0.001 snnewtons to sthenesnewtons to sthenes table
1 N = 1.0E-12 TNnewtons to teranewtonsnewtons to teranewtons table
1 N = 0.0001 tnf (UK)newtons to ton-forces (long)newtons to ton-forces (long) table
1 N = 0.0001 tfnewtons to ton-forces (metric)newtons to ton-forces (metric) table
1 N = 0.0001 tf (short)newtons to ton-forces (short)newtons to ton-forces (short) table

Other Units to Newton

Newton also canvert from other unit such as centinewton, decinewton, dekanewton, dyne, exanewton, giganewton, gram-force, hectonewton, joule/meter, kilogram-force, kilonewton, kilopond, kip, meganewton, micronewton, millinewton, nanonewton, ounce-force, petanewton, piconewton, pond, pound-force, poundal, sthene, teranewton, ton-force (long), ton-force (metric), ton-force (short) and more. You can find the reference table below:

Unit to Other Unit Force Conversion Force Table
1 cN = 0.01 N centinewtons to newtonscentinewtons to newtons table
1 dN = 0.1 N decinewtons to newtonsdecinewtons to newtons table
1 daN = 10 N dekanewtons to newtonsdekanewtons to newtons table
1 dyn = 1.0E-5 N dynes to newtonsdynes to newtons table
1 EN = 1.0E+18 N exanewtons to newtonsexanewtons to newtons table
1 GN = 1000000000 N giganewtons to newtonsgiganewtons to newtons table
1 gf = 0.0098 N gram-forces to newtonsgram-forces to newtons table
1 hN = 100 N hectonewtons to newtonshectonewtons to newtons table
1 j/m = 1 N joules per meter to newtonsjoules per meter to newtons table
1 kgf = 9.80665 N kilogram-forces to newtonskilogram-forces to newtons table
1 kN = 1000 N kilonewtons to newtonskilonewtons to newtons table
1 kp = 9.80665 N kiloponds to newtonskiloponds to newtons table
1 kip = 4448.2216 N kips to newtonskips to newtons table
1 MN = 1000000 N meganewtons to newtonsmeganewtons to newtons table
1 µN = 1.0E-6 N micronewtons to newtonsmicronewtons to newtons table
1 mN = 0.001 N millinewtons to newtonsmillinewtons to newtons table
1 nN = 1.0E-9 N nanonewtons to newtonsnanonewtons to newtons table
1 ozf = 0.278 N ounce-forces to newtonsounce-forces to newtons table
1 PN = 1.0E+15 N petanewtons to newtonspetanewtons to newtons table
1 pN = 1.0E-12 N piconewtons to newtonspiconewtons to newtons table
1 p = 0.0098 N ponds to newtonsponds to newtons table
1 lbf = 4.4482216 N pound-forces to newtonspound-forces to newtons table
1 pdl = 0.1383 N poundals to newtonspoundals to newtons table
1 sn = 1000 N sthenes to newtonssthenes to newtons table
1 TN = 1000000000000 N teranewtons to newtonsteranewtons to newtons table
1 tnf (UK) = 9964.016384 N ton-forces (long) to newtonston-forces (long) to newtons table
1 tf = 9806.65 N ton-forces (metric) to newtonston-forces (metric) to newtons table
1 tf (short) = 8896.4432 N ton-forces (short) to newtonston-forces (short) to newtons table

Force Units


Centinewton [ cN ]

Centinewton is a unit of force equal to 1/100 newton and its symbol (cN). It comes from a combination of metrix-prefix "centi" with the SI derived unit of force "newton".

Decinewton [ dN ]

Decinewton is a unit of force equal to 1/10 newton and its symbol (dN). It comes from a combination of metrix-prefix "deci" with the SI derived unit of force "newton".

Dekanewton [ daN ]

Dekanewton is a unit of force equal to 10 newton and its symbol (daN). It comes from a combination of metrix-prefix "deka" with the SI derived unit of force "newton".

Dyne [ dyn ]

The dyne (symbol "dyn" ) is a unit of force specified in the centimetre-gram-second (CGS) system of units.

Exanewton [ EN ]

Exanewton is a unit of force equal to 1000000000000000000 (1E+18) newtons and its symbol (EN). It comes from a combination of metrix-prefix "exa" with the SI derived unit of force "newton".

Giganewton [ GN ]

Giganewton is a unit of force equal to 1 000 000 000 (1E+9) newtons and its symbol (GN). It comes from a combination of metrix-prefix "giga" with the SI derived unit of force "newton".

Gram-force [ gf ]

The gram-force is a unit of force, 1 gram-force = 0.00980665 newton.

Hectonewton [ hN ]

Hectonewton is a unit of force equal to 100 newtons and its symbol (hN). It comes from a combination of metrix-prefix "heto" with the SI derived unit of force "newton".

Joule/meter [ j/m ]

The joule per meter is a unit of force and equivalent to newton (1 joule per meter = 1 newton).

Kilogram-force [ kgf ]

The kilogram-force(kgf) is a gravitational metric unit of force. 1 kilogram-force = 9.80665 newtons.

Kilonewton [ kN ]

Kilonewton is a unit of force equal to 1 000 newtons and its symbol (kN). It comes from a combination of metrix-prefix "kilo" with the SI derived unit of force "newton".

Kilopond [ kp ]

The kilopond is a unit of force equal to 1000 ponds.

Kip [ kip ]

A kip is a non-SI unit of force equal to 1,000 pounds-force, used primarily by American architects and engineers to measure engineering loads.

Meganewton [ MN ]

Meganewton is a unit of force equal to 1 000 000 newtons and its symbol (MN). It comes from a combination of metrix-prefix "mega" with the SI derived unit of force "newton".

Micronewton [ µN ]

Micronewton is a unit of force equal to 1/1 000 000 newton and its symbol (µN). It comes from a combination of metrix-prefix "giga" with the SI derived unit of force "newton".

Millinewton [ mN ]

Millinewton is a unit of force equal to 1/1 000 newton and its symbol (mN). It comes from a combination of metrix-prefix "milli" with the SI derived unit of force "newton".

Nanonewton [ nN ]

Nanonewton is a unit of force equal to 1/1 000 000 000 newton and its symbol (nN). It comes from a combination of metrix-prefix "nano" with the SI derived unit of force "newton".

Newton [ N ]

Newton is the SI derived unit of force and it is equivalent to joule per meter (1 newton = 1 joule/meter).

Ounce-force [ ozf ]

Ounce-force is a unit of force and 1 ounce-force is about 0.278013851 newton.

Petanewton [ PN ]

Petanewton is a unit of force equal to 1 000 000 000 000 000 newtons and its symbol (PN). It's a combination of metrix-prefix "peta" with the SI derived unit of force "newton".

Piconewton [ pN ]

Piconewton is a unit of force equal to 1/1 000 000 000 000 newton and its symbol (pN). It comes from a combination of metrix-prefix "pico" with the SI derived unit of force "newton".

Pond [ p ]

The pond is a unit of force and 1 pond is equal to 0.00980665 newton.

Pound-force [ lbf ]

The pound-force is one of force units measurement and equal to the gravitational force exerted on a mass of one avoirdupois pound on the surface of Earth.

Poundal [ pdl ]

The poundal is a unit of force that is part of the foot-pound-second system of units with symbol "lpd" of system Imperial .

Sthene [ sn ]

The sthène is the unit of force in the metre-tonne-second system of units (mts).

Teranewton [ TN ]

Teranewton is a unit of force equal to 1 000 000 000 000 newtons and its symbol (TN). It comes from a combination of metrix-prefix "tera" with the SI derived unit of force "newton".

Ton-force (long) [ tnf (UK) ]

The ton-forces (long])is a unit of force. 1 newton = 0.000100361 ton-force (long).

Ton-force (metric) [ tf ]

The ton-forces (metric) is a unit of force. 1 newton = 0.000101972 fon-force (metric).

Ton-force (short) [ tf (short) ]

The ton-forces (short) is a unit of force. 1 ton-force (short) = 8896.4432 newtons.